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Want info on new Bubbas
Posted: 29 Feb 2008, 09:21
by schonhult
There have been a few clues to a new better and improved bubba on his forum. How far in the future, and what kind of hardware will it have?
I am considering buying one, but atm, a homebrew itx solution would be easier, faster and more functional. Although lacking in smallness, beauty and energy efficiency.
I want info so I can decide if I should wait for bubba 2.0 or buy something else.
Posted: 05 Mar 2008, 16:05
by tor
Just to give some update on this since we have been somewhat quiet on the subject.
Yes, we are working hard on the Bubba next generation. Without promising anything our goal is to be ready sometimes early summer. (We have prototypes up and running. And are currently working on the "industrialisation" of the design)
Hardware will of course be better. This is a completely new platform, not a refreshment of the current Bubba platform. So all specs will have better values CPU, network (Dual NICs), more and faster memory etc.
Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 03:45
by Clive
Great ! Looking forward to seeing the specs of this.
Count me in for a pre-order

Posted: 06 Mar 2008, 03:56
by paolol61
Posted: 07 Mar 2008, 05:47
Sounds promising. how energy efficient will it be compared to the current version?
Posted: 07 Mar 2008, 17:36
by AC1
One guaranteed sale here too.
The sooner the better. A few details to give us something to look forward to would be gratefully received.
Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 05:44
by johannes
Regarding energy consumption it will be slightly higher, but still in the same ballpark, we have measured about like 12W on the prototypes, with a 320 GB disk. However, with SATA disks there are more models to choose from, and some of the PVR versions use less energy than our current PATA drives. So in the end, consumption will probably be about the same.
Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 07:22
by Cheeseboy
Oooh, put me on the waiting list. I'll send you money now if it will make it happen faster!
Posted: 08 Mar 2008, 07:26
by paolol61
Posted: 10 Mar 2008, 12:45
by GettinSadda
Slower spin, but not stopped, could really help Bubba.
Hopefully what these drives do is they will run slow after a while at idle, then will still do reads and writes when at the low speed, but will spin up to full speed if more than a token amount is written (with no noticeable delay). If so then hopefully the general "idle" flow from the Bubba will keep the drive slow-and-low.
Anyone know more?
Posted: 10 Mar 2008, 19:18
by paolol61
I found the driver, so is not maxtor but Western digita, sorry but I had the wrong info

thi is the link to the product specification
Hope this help to understand how this works

Posted: 12 Mar 2008, 08:55
johannes wrote:Regarding energy consumption it will be slightly higher, but still in the same ballpark, we have measured about like 12W on the prototypes, with a 320 GB disk. However, with SATA disks there are more models to choose from, and some of the PVR versions use less energy than our current PATA drives. So in the end, consumption will probably be about the same.
Great news, i was afraid the more powerful CPU would mean significantly higher power consumption. Sign me up for one

Posted: 29 Mar 2008, 11:19
by paolol61
Any news on the NEW BUBBA ???

dual disk?
Posted: 31 Mar 2008, 03:10
by confused
Hi All!
I really like the bubba, but my reason to plan on another brand is the single disk-ness of it.
Now I saw rumours that the new version might have a dual disk option..
Can anyone confirm? If that is the case, I might wait a bit, otherwise I'm going for something else..
Thanks in advance!
Posted: 25 Apr 2008, 04:12
by andersos
Early summer is May no?

I found Bubba during research of which NAS to get, and got excited when I read about it. This is what I really need - 24/7 (really) low power bt capable box. I can't wait to see the new Bubba!