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Applications for monitoring bubba
Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 10:46
by msx
Hi! I'd like to have some graphs about how the bubba is performing. I've tried an application called phpSysInfo (the output of which you can see here for my little bubba: ).
It's nice but lacks some info i'd like to have. In particular i'd like to have a graph for CPU usage (% load), for memory use and for network use. Do you know anything like this ?

Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 11:13
by tor
HI msx,
Not sure if this is what you are looking for. But you could install
mrtg which has some nice graphs for system usage.
It is available as debian packages
mrtg and
mrtgutils. Note however that this is totaly untested by us. By the looks of the screenshots in this thread
Photos of your Bubba. lelle is running this on his Bubba.
Posted: 07 Feb 2007, 13:42
by lelle
More information on mrtg is available here:
Posted: 06 Nov 2007, 12:31
by venotar
I know this is an old, dead thread; but in case anyone else comes across the need for a monitoring solution for this (or any other) server,
zabbix is an excellent, FL/OSS way to go.
Posted: 14 Nov 2007, 07:45
by Ubi
I'm personally using Munin and I find it very accurate, flexible and low on resources. Also I found it *way* easier to install than MRTG.
Other candidates are:
and then there's Netmrg,Darkstat,mon,oreon,Saidar,Bigsister,ibmonitor
Some info on their differences and helpfiles on installing them is here:
Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 04:05
by mountaindude
Ubi wrote:I'm personally using Munin and I find it very accurate, flexible and low on resources. Also I found it *way* easier to install than MRTG.
Hi Ubi,
I took you up on your recommendation for Munin, it is indeed nice, easy to install and seems to be light on resources.
But.... it doesn't show anything in the graphs. Just thought I'd check with you if you also had any trouble setting it up/using it, if there is a trick to be done somewhere etc.
Graphs without any content aren't too useful...

Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 06:16
by efiggy
When you say it does not show anything on the graphs, Is it all the graphs? Or only some of it? What are you monitoring? How often do you update your data? You can check the plugins directory on munin and verify the links.
Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:33
by mountaindude
efiggy wrote:When you say it does not show anything on the graphs, Is it all the graphs? Or only some of it? What are you monitoring? How often do you update your data? You can check the plugins directory on munin and verify the links.
Think I found the problem. I noted that permissions on data files (and some other munin files) changed efter doing an "/usr/share/munin/munin-update --force-root". Seems munin couldn't access the data files any longer.
A total remove/purge of munin and munin-node, with following re-install fixed it, at least during first 15 minutes after re-install. Will verify that things are working later today.
Now this is a bit confusing as some tutorials, for example, instruct you to use --force-root.
Anyway, will report back to this thread how things develop.
Posted: 21 Nov 2007, 07:49
by Ubi
Don't use force-root unless you really really have to!
If you want to test, just su to user munin and run the script from there. Then you know your permissions stay ok
Posted: 12 Jun 2008, 14:40
by pcrene
Hello ...
I love information , insight of how the bubba runs...
I would love to see some-one write an instruction (application note) on how to install this for the not perfect linux user.....
Can you make a new item on the forum where people candrop their "application note/instructions"