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Subversion on bubba?
Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 08:30
by Tompa
I'm trying to install subversion on bubba.
Locally everything works fine, but when I try svn://ip:3960/repository I get a connection refused message (I use AnkhSvn on a windows machine).
Has anyone got this up and running?
Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 17:37
by Tompa
For the interested; I got this working now.
I had forseen a conf file that was controlling permissions, a little tweak there and it worked.
I must say, Bubba is just perfect for these kind of tasks!
Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 03:43
by tor
Hi Tompa,
Nice to hear that you solved your problem.
A few tips if you are into using bubba as a server in a development environment.
viewcvs available as a
debian package to get a nice web based browser to your repository.
If you have MySQL installed on your bubba you could install
flyspray, also available in as a
debian package ,which is a simple but yet very usable bug tracking system.
Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 19:36
by Filip
I'm very interested in getting subversion up running on my Bubba. But I can't make it work...
Maybe you're interested in writing a small guide?
Posted: 08 Mar 2007, 07:12
by Tompa
Sure, I could do that. Give me some time and I will write a small step-by-step on how I did when installing.
Posted: 28 Mar 2007, 17:40
by Tompa
I'm sorry for my late answer, but here goes
When I installed and configured subversion I used a guide somewhere on the net. Unfortunately I cannot find this very guide again, so I will explain the steps as I remember them.
1. Get root access.
2. Make sure you have added a package server like in the file
3. Run the following command to update the sources:
apt-get update
4. Install subversion:
apt-get install subversion
5. Create a repository where your serverside code-database will be stored.
svnadmin create /home/svn_repository
6. Edit the password file using your favorite editor and add a user and password at the end.
jed /home/svn_repository/conf/passwd
7. Edit the config file so it looks something like this (I've removed the comments). The file is called
anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = passwd
#auth-db = authz
realm = My repository
8. Now you should (hopefully!) be able to reach the svn-server from a client by using the url
9. There is also a way to set it up in apache so that it can be reached using http:// but I haven't been successful with this. I'm using AnkhSvn ( on a windows machine using Visual Studio 2005 without any problems.
Good luck!
Posted: 14 Apr 2007, 06:52
by HansH
With subversion you can also use Trac
This way you get a wiki, a ticket system and a very nice browsable filedirectory with history.
You can find it at:
Look at the filedirectory here:
SVN Performance
Posted: 03 May 2007, 04:05
by DarrenBeck
Hi all,
What's the performance like when using Bubba as an SVN server? I realise most of the work is shifted to the client when using subversion but has one noticed any issues?
Thanks in advance,
Permission problems
Posted: 21 Oct 2008, 17:00
by petter
Hello, I used the how-to guide to configure SNV on my Bubba Two.
Unfortunetely I get the following permission error when executing the code below:
Code: Select all
bubba:/# mkdir -p test/{trunk,branches,tags}
bubba:/# touch test/trunk/test.txt
bubba:/# svn import test svn://localhost/test --username xxxxx --password yyyyy -m "Initial import"
Adding test/trunk
Adding test/trunk/test.txt
Adding test/branches
Adding test/tags
svn: Can't create directory '/home/svn/repositories/test/db/transactions/0-1.txn': Permission denied
Any ideas on how to solve this?
Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 03:14
by DarrenBeck
I assume you have subversion running as the svn user. Have you made any changes to the repository directories as another user (e.g. root)?
Check the ownership of the directories in the repository folder (ls -l). Are they all svn:svn?
SVN running!
Posted: 22 Oct 2008, 09:14
by petter
Yes, now I have svn running and I'm able to "update" and "commit" from my PC. Nice.
The permission problem earlier occured because I had created some directories as root (not as the svn user). Thank you for the [ls -l] command Darren.
Next step will be trying to make the repositories available over the internet using the http or https protocol instead of svn. I guess this will involve the built in Apache2 server and more configurating...
If anyone has a great guide for this, please let me know.