Page 1 of 1 still in use? Can I let it expire?
Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 13:48
by johannes
Hi all,
I just recieved the invoice for the domain again, and am wondering if anyone is still using it?
Re: still in use? Can I let it expire?
Posted: 02 Jul 2019, 15:33
by Puma
Hi Johannes,
Still using several B3 with debian 9!
I do not use the
The DNS yes I still use it.
Re: still in use? Can I let it expire?
Posted: 03 Jul 2019, 03:16
by johannes
wow, good to hear from you Puma, fantastic that the stuff is still in use!
I will wait a week or two for response here, but if no one speaks out I will let it expire.
I _think_ the domain was only used in the early Bubba Two releases, but when updating to the B3 release (which also became valid for B2's after a while) the domain changed to Also this forum was hosted on for a while if my memory is right. But I might be confused, and am not 100% sure there are no other uses.
Re: still in use? Can I let it expire?
Posted: 03 Jul 2019, 06:46
by Gordon
Hi Johannes,
Wasn't aware that was yours. Thought Ubi registered it for hosting the Excito services temporarily as these were being transferred to Rodeus. Seems like the domain is still completely controlled by his servers, but it doesn't resolve e.g. my easyfind name and there's no (old) Excito related content for www, update and wiki hostnames.
You could try contact him for traffic analysis or at least to let him know it's okay to clear up any remaining traces of that domain on his servers.