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Little tiny hack to the downloader
Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 09:50
by bubbalibre
Bubba is great, but I didn't like the download manager's UI, so I modified it.
The background color changes according to the status, the weight is now in Mo and the ratio is displayed.
If you want to use this, it's fairly simple. The only file modified is
/usr/share/web-admin/dllist.php. You can download the new version below (rename it into dllist.php) :
You'll need the root rights off course in order to replace the file. Don't forget to backup the original one.
Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 15:00
by lelle

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 19:07
by John W
But what does Mo stand for? Something new?
Offtopic: I just noticed that the admin-page looks much better in Firefox than it does in IE for some strange reason...

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 19:09
by lelle
Dont know, (a typo?) changed it to "MB" in the script, which make more sense
Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 09:45
by tor
Hi bubbalibre,
Impressive work, very nice indeed.
A warning though. An upgrade will overwrite this file so make sure to keep a copy of your own work as well. And a question, do you mind if we use this as inspiration on future updates?
Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 21:02
by bubbalibre
Hi guys,
Sorry I couldn't answer before, I was far away from the Internet today.
To John W and lelle
Mo stands for Mega Octet... I meant MB of course, thanks to lelle. Forgive my French.
To tor
Of course not. I choose the Bubba because it was "libre". The script could be better, but I wanted an easy modification, localized in one file.
There is a new version. It shows the total size in the infos below the title. Like that :
- Name of the torrent 81 %
DL: 25 KB/s (79.4 / 98.6 MB) - UL: 13 KB/s (27.8 MB) - ratio: 0.4
And below all the downloads, there is now a speedometer, like this :
- DL: 130 KB/s - UL: 13 KB/s
Here is the new file :
Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 10:56
by doraemon
Works like a charm. Thanks

Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 12:52
by Tompa
I can't get the colors to work, maybe some IE related issue. Am I the only one running IE7?
Great script anyway!
Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 14:42
by John W
Tompa wrote:I can't get the colors to work, maybe some IE related issue. Am I the only one running IE7?
Great script anyway!
It doesn't work for me in IE eather. Try FF.
Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 20:21
by bubbalibre
Tompa wrote:I can't get the colors to work, maybe some IE related issue. Am I the only one running IE7?
I was afraid of that... I'm currently using Firefox on GNU/Linux.
I embeded the css into the
dllist.php file.
Maybe if you put all the styles into the
bubba.css file, IE will recognize it.
But I think IE doesn't like the cascading styles. I used two styles for each download : one for the presentation and one for the color. As in :
I'll try to correct that soon.
Posted: 04 Feb 2007, 20:03
by bubbalibre
All right folks, I've got a new version.
It should now work in IE (haven't try yet), and I changed the whole design :

Actually I hardly did anything : the site design is by
gorotron and the new icons in the file manager are by
This time I changed several files. I made a zip archive which contains only the modified files. Here it is:
If you just want the new download manager, just copy the
dllist.php file.
Remember :
always make a backup before you try anything.
There's still some work to do, but I hope you'll enjoy it.
Tell me what you think.
Posted: 05 Feb 2007, 19:55
by lelle
Looks & works great in FF

Posted: 17 Feb 2007, 09:38
by tor
Hi all,
Just adding a message to this to make a little warning.
We are about to release an update of the Bubba firmware that include among other things upgrades to the web-ui.
This upgrade will overwrite any modifications you have done to the web-admin pages without even asking. So make sure that you have proper backups of any modifications you want to save.
The second issue is that the dllist.php that bubbalibre made modifications on above, which we really like, is modified. This means that if you replace our new version with the above mentioned one it will most likely look bad. Fixing this should however not be a big problem
Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 16:53
by TheEagleCD
Good stuff going on in here!!
One handy feature that the downloader is missing in my opinion is the option to pause or stop a download. No idea really how hard or easy this would be to integrate but I think many people will find it useful...
Anyway, not really sure whether this post should be in here or in the "feature request" sub-forum.
Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 17:53
by tor
Hi TheEagleCD,
Nice ideas on features, thanks.
But what do you mean by stop? We do support cancelation of downloads today, if you want to terminate an ongoing download.
We are currently doing some work that could pave the way for functionality like pause and resume downloads. So keep your eys open. It might be implemented quite soon