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B3 as backup server for Synology NAS

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 16:39
by flim
Hi there,
i would like to ask for help in topic how to setup B3 to be able create from DS215j regulary backups. In this NAS-DS 215j you can choose option "Network backup destination - rsync compatible server ( this should be B3 - i have latest official software there ). On B3 there is allready rsync but i do not now how to setup. Can you please provide me in few steps how to?
How to SSH you do not need :-)...but this other linux stuff.

DS is running 24/7 and i would like to perform databckup once a week regulary - during the weekend-night. B3 will not be running 24/7 only time needed so if some nice feature how to automatically turn off after this backup is performed would be nice.


Re: B3 as backup server for Synology NAS

Posted: 19 Oct 2015, 05:06
by Gordon
Yes, rsync is installed with the latest official B2|3 software. There are two methods for you to choose from, depending on the capabilities of the Synology NAS. The first one is to run rsync over ssh, which should be quite transparent except possibly for passing user and group info which would require root permissions - meaning you should either enable root logon through ssh or install/use sudo (example here)

The other way is to run rsync as a service on the B3 (documentation here).