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New fresh install image?
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 08:03
by Harry
How about a release of a new fresh install image for B2 and B3 including the 8 or so web updates from the last 1,5 years?
It would at least make me feel a bit more secure when it comes to future miss happens requiring a reinstall.
Cheers Harry.
Re: New fresh install image?
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 09:48
by Gordon
Why not create your own payload file? It appears to be nothing else than a simple tgz of the root file system. And by making your own it will also include every other bit of software you installed and settings that are not covered by the system backup procedure.
New fresh install image?
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 11:21
by Harry
Okay, that sounds very interesting and would definitely be a good enough alternative.
I have to do some research though to figure out if this is doable even for a linux newbie.
Cheers, Harry.
Re: New fresh install image?
Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 04:35
by GodfatherB
I second this proposal. I too would like to see some new isntall images. I will soon most likely to install new bigger disk and I will be in need of an image.
New fresh install image?
Posted: 13 Sep 2013, 11:48
by Harry
Just to clarify:
Everything you need for a reinstallation is available.
You use the current install image and then you do a web update that brings your bubba up to date, and thats not much of a hassle.
My concern is more of uncertainty of the future. What if the possibility to do a web update no longer exists, then what?
Cheers, Harry.
Re: New fresh install image?
Posted: 14 Sep 2013, 12:24
by Gordon
Harry wrote:Okay, that sounds very interesting and would definitely be a good enough alternative.
I have to do some research though to figure out if this is doable even for a linux newbie.
Cheers, Harry.
When in shell you can use rsync to create a copy of the root folder somewhere on /home
(I tried cp -axl first, but for some reason this does cross the file system boundary and tries to include /home)
Next cd into the mirror directory and create the payload file
Code: Select all
cd /home/payload
tar -czvf ../payload-$(hostname)-$(date +%Y%M%d).tgz *
(you may want to do some cleaning of redundant files first - like old log files - and add the default content of /home from the original payload file on the rescue stick)
Next replace the original payload file on your rescue stick with this file. As Mouett explained earlier the name is not important, but there can be only one.
Disclaimer: I have not yet verified this method.
New fresh install image?
Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 01:29
by Harry
Thank You for the method suggested!
I am awaiting the right time for a total reinstall.
At that point I will definitely try the above, when I'm having the opportunity to fiddle around without risking anything.
Cheers, Harry.
Re: New fresh install image?
Posted: 15 Jan 2020, 05:59
by ahoff
Gordon wrote: 14 Sep 2013, 12:24(date +%Y%M%d)
Should be (date +%Y%m%d) or if you want to add hour and minute (date +%Y%m%d-%H:%M)
%Y= year
%m = month
%d = day
%H = hour
%M = minute