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Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 08:11
by lajmy
Hi guys!
I just got an Excito TV player from my network operator (Tele2).
I have tested this product for a while now and I'm quite familiar with Android.
I can see that this box is based on SOC AML8726-M3 and other products running the same SOC can be used with native Android.
Before I start exploring this I just wanted to ask if any one have tried running ADB or booted any other dist on this box?
This TV player seems to have potential to be a portable media center if you could boot Android native with XBMC.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 14:55
by nobody
I think the admins need to make another forum here real quick
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 15:21
by Binkem
I had a look at the forum, but I cannot modify the forum structure. That seems to be restricted to the Excito crew. Perhaps Johannes can add a new section?
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 29 Mar 2013, 16:16
by DanielM
Binkem wrote:I had a look at the forum, but I cannot modify the forum structure. That seems to be restricted to the Excito crew. Perhaps Johannes can add a new section?
And yet you've got a green name! One could easily think green was good...
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 03:47
by Binkem
Even green isn't enough for that. I guess you must be red.
I pmed Johannes about this. We will have to wait for him.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 10:56
by johannes

Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 30 Nov 2013, 07:46
by NoSubstitute
I just wished someone would've answered the actual question.

Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 01 Dec 2013, 14:56
by johannes
If you ask about booting other software or getting ADB access, the answer is no, this is not possible, the product is locked down to the content Tele2 offers. They do give it away for free, so it's quite reasonable in my view.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 02 Dec 2013, 05:59
by NoSubstitute
johannes wrote:...
They do give it away for free, so it's quite reasonable in my view.
Well, yes. When you put it like that, I guess I'd have to agree.

Tried to get an answer from then last week, but nobody there seems to have any clue what will happen with the project.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 12 Dec 2013, 11:24
by johannes
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 14 Dec 2013, 19:00
by NoSubstitute
I assume the app coming on Monday will bring full and stable DLNA support.
Like I've said you got the potential to make a very good multimedia device, but if you intend to compete with the MiniX Neo, which is the same hardware, but sold as a fully open Android device with not only media player capacity but access to the entire Google Play Store, you have to make sure to keep the price quite low, especially if you intend to keep it locked down.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 15 Dec 2013, 10:21
by johannes
Yes, it has DLNA support. And no, we do not at all compete with Minix (and it is not at all the same hw by the way). The Minix is a different product altogether, aimed at a more techy audience.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 16 Dec 2013, 09:50
by NoSubstitute
johannes wrote:Yes, it has DLNA support.
Great! Will test and give feedback. In this thread, or will you create a new one?
And no, we do not at all compete with Minix (and it is not at all the same hw by the way). ...
Oh, perhaps I didn't read the specs closely enough. My bad.
The Minix is a different product altogether, aimed at a more techy audience.
So very true.
Re: Exicto TV Player (Tele2)
Posted: 02 Jan 2016, 05:38
by Letalis
I just found 2 of this Tele2 TV Players in a drawer.
Is there anything this boxes can be used to today, or it just to throw in the electronicsbin to be recycled?