I think I might have started on the wrong tack here but I got curious about email. Email behind the front end of clicking "Send" or "Receive" is dammed complicated. There are a few HowTo articles on the wiki about sending emails which I have to implement but I'm using gmail's smtp server and it works. What about receiving emails to mydomain.com? I can already send email from my account through gmail but what if I wanted a new email address? In order to play with this you could set up a dynamic dns domain but I read somewhere that the Internet don't like mail servers with a dynamic IP addresses and black list them

Regardless of that potential problem of fixed IP address, how would you do it? There was a recent security story where a wired writer had his apple devices hacked by somebody ringing in to Apple support to request a password reset. At the root of the problem is that Internet security relies on a login based on email Address & password. We secure our passwords but if we rely on two part security and one part is an email address that's not much security in that element. In the case of wired writer his email addresses were always johnsmith@... So it was pretty easy to predict his username with Apple. Then just ring apple and ask for a password reset. Confirm who you are with a Birthday or something, Bob is your Uncle, Security would be having a different email address for every account. For years we've been pushing a different password for every account we'll soon be going even more complicated.
I'm going completely off my own topic there altogether. I need help

On my various phones and laptops I'd have to point my mail clients to B3:~me/maildir/ via IMAP is that another part of postfix, or plugin or completely different program which takes care of syncing maildir to the various devices? OK that's another question. If I saw something going into my B3 ~me/maildir/ I'd be stoked.
As I said at the start maybe I started playing with the wrong Toy in my B3. Apache is probably much easier but I'll get to that in time. I know I have to read a lot lot more and i have a postfix book I'm reading through but a lot of the book is lists of /etc config details. Sleep..zzzzzzz

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