Can not restore Bubba2
Posted: 10 Aug 2012, 12:08
I tried to upgrade my Bubba2 from software version 1.9 something, but it failed. According to what I found here I tried to reinstall it from USB stick but so far I had no success, neither with my original Stick bought from Excito nor from Sticks I made myself for the new Version.
This is what I did:
- Partition the USB Stick
- Make the first partition a 500 MB FAT16 Partition and activate it
- Unzip the install directory onto the disk (in "/install")
- Reboot the excito (Power off - Power on) holding the on/off key
- it blinks slower, then faster as described
- it accesses the USB stick (according to its lamp)
- then after a while it blinks slow and accesses the USB stick (according to its lamp)
This last state does go for many hours now, I dont know if it will ever end. Does anybody now a hint what to do or is my Bubba2 basically a doorstopper now because I tried to reinstall it wrong?
I tried the orignal USB stick with the old software version, but the result is basically the same (keeps blinking in a littlebit slower rate and never boots properly).
The Bubba2 worked fine before (yes, I know I am a fool, but I use it as a router now and wanted to have a new software for security reasons) and is disconnected from everything except power supply and the usb stick. It has a 32 GB SSD DIsk. I never opened it or changed anything inside, but I added stuff to the kernel before (which I dont need anymore, another reason for the reinstall).
Edit: After one day, nothing has changed.
thank you for your help,
I tried to upgrade my Bubba2 from software version 1.9 something, but it failed. According to what I found here I tried to reinstall it from USB stick but so far I had no success, neither with my original Stick bought from Excito nor from Sticks I made myself for the new Version.
This is what I did:
- Partition the USB Stick
- Make the first partition a 500 MB FAT16 Partition and activate it
- Unzip the install directory onto the disk (in "/install")
- Reboot the excito (Power off - Power on) holding the on/off key
- it blinks slower, then faster as described
- it accesses the USB stick (according to its lamp)
- then after a while it blinks slow and accesses the USB stick (according to its lamp)
This last state does go for many hours now, I dont know if it will ever end. Does anybody now a hint what to do or is my Bubba2 basically a doorstopper now because I tried to reinstall it wrong?
I tried the orignal USB stick with the old software version, but the result is basically the same (keeps blinking in a littlebit slower rate and never boots properly).
The Bubba2 worked fine before (yes, I know I am a fool, but I use it as a router now and wanted to have a new software for security reasons) and is disconnected from everything except power supply and the usb stick. It has a 32 GB SSD DIsk. I never opened it or changed anything inside, but I added stuff to the kernel before (which I dont need anymore, another reason for the reinstall).
Edit: After one day, nothing has changed.
thank you for your help,