I wonder what logitechmediaserver code Excito for "there" version of the squeezebox media server

For the last couple of Bubba versions for both B2 and B3, I've changed to the official Ubuntu/Debian Logitech Squeezebox releases versions 7.7.1 or 7.7.2 (
http://www.mysqueezebox.com/download), and found them remarkable less buggy (haven't found any in fact) than the Excito ones.
What I did was pretty simple (thanks to Excitos clean debian base):
1. Apply latest updates/reboot from the GUI
2. Stop/Disable the Squeezebox Server under Services
3. Log in to Bubba as root via SSH
4. apt-get purge logitechmediaserver (the GUI will be uninstalled too, but will be reinstalled later)
5. reboot and log in again (not necessary, but just to ensure everything logitech is purged completely)
6. cd /tmp
7. wget
http://downloads.slimdevices.com/Logite ... .2_all.deb
8. dpkg -i logitechmediaserver_7.7.2_all.deb
9. apt-get install bubba bubba-backend bubba-frontend (here comes the GUI again, settings retained)
10. Reboot and then check from GUI that the Squeezebox Server Service is started
11. Go to the settings page for the Logitech Media Server (B3:9000) and set it up again
Some of the bugs that I found gone now is:
* You are able to deselect "Video" and "Pictures" from the first source-directory within Squeezebox server settings without all your Audio sharing is stopped.
This way you are able to have sources for "Audio" only in your "home/storage/music" folder, Video only in your "home/storage/video" and "Pictures" only in your "home/storage/pictures". And all log fails about missing media tags for the different type of files is the gone in the logging to.
* You are able to do a full rescan of your media libraries, cleaning up database e.g. inconsistent, both manual initiatet and from the settings page and scheduled e.g. once a week
* A lot of error logging (in Logitec Media Server logs) - really caused by some missing ICU files (icudt46b.dat and icudt46l.dat) for the SQL database.
This is of course just a temporary solution until next time I run the Update from GUI, and the Logitech Media Server is exchanged to the less bug free Excito one again.
I would be of course be nice if the Excito supplied one was as bug free as the Logitech released one, or at least Bubba update would not exchange the official one when installed manually. But I still can't help wondering why the difference between the two though
