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Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 11 May 2007, 04:50
by sc0rp
..glftpd on bubba?
I've tested as someone stated in the forums before the "openssl speed aes" command to benchmark bubba AES encryption throughput, it supports around 1 MB/s quite ok if you ask me...
Posted: 12 May 2007, 12:16
by Zarei
I have tried, haven't got it to work yet. It installed fine though.
Posted: 14 May 2007, 02:32
by sc0rp
alright then i will also have a go for it

Posted: 15 May 2007, 02:14
by sc0rp
sc0rp wrote:alright then i will also have a go for it

well it won't work since the binaries aren't compiled with ARM as target processor
Re: Anyone tried installing glftpd...
Posted: 10 Apr 2011, 16:09
by Norman
Is there any news regarding this topic? Last replay was made 15 may 2007..
I really would like to install glftpd on my new B3, since I heard it's a great ftp deamon.
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 05:26
by northbane
I too am wondering this, if it works, then the Bubba B3 is surely something I would buy to replace my computer as it would be more energy efficient and small form factor. Can anyone of the admins please fix this, 10 months since the last reply here now.
edit: i have now learned that glftpd is closed source and thus cannot be recompiled on any other cpu platform

Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 14:49
by Ubi
I'm not a member of Excito but I think the chance for a default install of your glfpd is near-zero. Currently the Bubbas ship with ProFTPD which is a robust safe enterprise-level FTP server. Why would they change that to a niche-player with unknown security risks? I really hope Excito sticks with ProFTPD and spend their dev time on important issues instead!
But then again, if you like this specific software so much, why don't you just download the source and compile and run it yourself?
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 21 Feb 2012, 14:55
by Ubi
Oh yes and the fact that the last release of glftpd was in 2005 does not help either. Or that there are no current developers. Or a source tree.
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 22 Feb 2012, 10:43
by northbane
glFTPD is closed source and cannot be compiled under ARM.
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 23 Feb 2012, 12:34
by Ubi
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 27 May 2013, 17:40
by northbane
Team glfTPD has added support for ARM processors, check it out at their website;
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 21 Jan 2014, 12:08
by Benjmain3001
Hello @all,
has anyone tried the installation on the B3 without any errors?
I've tried it but i got the following two error messages Failed! You must find & copy to /glftpd/lib manually. Searching . . . Failed!
What does it mean?
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 22 Jan 2014, 02:33
by Ubi
armhf (arm hardware floating point) is meant for a type of ARM cpu (v7) that is not compatible with the Kirkwood Bubba (which is armel, software point). At least that is how I understand it. If it is correct, there is a possibility the ARM sources you use cannot be compiled for the B3. But again, I could be completely wrong.
you may be able to trick the compiler:
"Hard floats use an on-chip floating point unit. Soft floats emulate one in software. The difference is speed. It's strange to see both used on the same target architecture, since the chip either has an FPU or doesn't. You can enable soft floating point in GCC with -msoft-float."
( ... nt-numbers)
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 23 Jan 2014, 10:29
by Benjmain3001
Mhhhhh this means there is no native support for arm5te devices, right.
I've found some compilation with name "glftpd-toolchain-armeb_v5te_gcc-4.7-linaro_uClibc-" but no success
Is there an place where we can found different compilations like this?
Re: Anyone tried installing..
Posted: 04 Apr 2015, 16:26
by tuxlifan
(more as a note to self, but could be useful for searching the forum for armel or armhf and armel vs. armhf resp.)
Ubi wrote:armhf (arm hardware floating point) is meant for a type of ARM cpu (v7) that is not compatible with the Kirkwood Bubba (which is armel, software point). At least that is how I understand it.
My latest experiment on an ArchLinux LiveUSB seems to support your understanding

I copied both armel and armhf versions from the Debian sash packages (the first package that came to mind with static linking) to the stick and tried to run them: the armel version ran fine, whereas the armhf version Segfaulted.
Also, from (i.e. armel)
As of our latest release, Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.10, the following ARM sub-architectures are fully supported:
kirkwood: we support Marvell's Kirkwood platform