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Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 05 Feb 2012, 09:27
by bubbsnurr
Hi all!

I connected a RAID disk to my B3 and the home direcrory was lost. I in my stupidity thought that the folder structure would remain. How do I rebuild the original folders (downloads, storage etc.)?

Thanx for help

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 07 Feb 2012, 03:32
by johannes
The folder structure should not be lost (however the data should be since hte partition is reformatted).

If the folders are not there something went wrong, perhaps the RAID creation was aborted for some reason.

Please do:

- remove your external drive and re-instlal your B3 from scratch
- update your B3 to the latest software and reboot
- plug in your external drive and create RAID.

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 13:03
by grndvl1
Same thing happened to me...seems there is a bug in the RAID creation script.

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 17:30
by johannes
what software version did you have when doing the raid?

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 20:00
by grndvl1
I had I ended up having to re-install the image and even that hiccuped and I had to do it twice. A little scary for a first time out of the box experience. I thought I may have messed up the HD but it seems to be fine now. I am NOT going to use the RAID setup again since that script has issues and I don't feel like wasting hours again on if /when it fails to create it. I'll just back up all my files to the external and keep an image of the OS handy.

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 07:45
by johannes
Ok, I now checked and we had an issue with and creating RAID, it's fixed now. If you upgrade to you will be fine. Sorry for your troubles.

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 14:04
by grndvl1
Ugh...I just bought these items why didn't they have the latest update on them? Well either way I appreciate your efforts and applaud your responsiveness to my predicaments. This is why I keep coming back to you, I have the very first Bubba server that I bought I think sometime in May of 2006.

Re: Folders lost after Creating RAID

Posted: 23 Apr 2012, 02:28
by johannes
Yes, from time to time stock gets stuck at distributors causing the pre-loaded software to age. Again, sorry for your troubles.