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Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
This is a new major upgrade. The upgrade is available only as a software upgrade.
How to upgrade
To upgrade a running system, make sure you don't have any activities running such as uploads, downloads, print jobs etc. Then log in as admin in web-ui. Choose "Settings" menu entry. Choose "Software update" in the sub menu.
New features and major changes
* Tor (B3 can now be a Tor node - read more here:
* Logitech Media Server update to 7.7.1
* Added swedish translation on UI and help texts
* Changed DAAP (iTunes) server to solve problems on OsX Lion
* Solved AFP bugs showing on OsX Lion
* HDD Load Cycle Count racing issue solved
* Fixed language support for visually impaired using screen readers
* Gerneral system updates from upstream (kernel etc.)
* Some general bug fixes
Note 1 - User manual coming soon
The users manual update to reflect this software is under development, and will release soon.
Note 2 - please power cycle!
This upgrade contains a firmware setting change for your hard drive. This setting can improve lifetime of the hard drive, and for it to take effect a power cycle is required. Shut down your B3 after the upgrade, and pull power. Wait 5 seconds and then power up B3 again.
Note 3 - Logitech Media Server update requires manual start
Go to admin -> services to start the server, it does not automatically do this after update.
Note 4 - Spanish translation incomplete
The Spanish language is not complete, will be updated in 2.5. Untranslated strings are shown in English.
Note 5 - Updater feedback may lag
If the updater seems to stop for a few minutes don't worry. It is still working and will show progress in a few minutes.
[Edit] 2012-02-19:
Known issues
* WiFi not working at 5 GHz
* Some translations went missing in German
* UI bug when creating a backup job with custom choosen content making this selection difficult
* MiniDLNA config file gets messed up in some conditions, causing it not to work properly
All these issues are being fixed right now, releasing 2.4.1 soon.
How to upgrade
To upgrade a running system, make sure you don't have any activities running such as uploads, downloads, print jobs etc. Then log in as admin in web-ui. Choose "Settings" menu entry. Choose "Software update" in the sub menu.
New features and major changes
* Tor (B3 can now be a Tor node - read more here:
* Logitech Media Server update to 7.7.1
* Added swedish translation on UI and help texts
* Changed DAAP (iTunes) server to solve problems on OsX Lion
* Solved AFP bugs showing on OsX Lion
* HDD Load Cycle Count racing issue solved
* Fixed language support for visually impaired using screen readers
* Gerneral system updates from upstream (kernel etc.)
* Some general bug fixes
Note 1 - User manual coming soon
The users manual update to reflect this software is under development, and will release soon.
Note 2 - please power cycle!
This upgrade contains a firmware setting change for your hard drive. This setting can improve lifetime of the hard drive, and for it to take effect a power cycle is required. Shut down your B3 after the upgrade, and pull power. Wait 5 seconds and then power up B3 again.
Note 3 - Logitech Media Server update requires manual start
Go to admin -> services to start the server, it does not automatically do this after update.
Note 4 - Spanish translation incomplete
The Spanish language is not complete, will be updated in 2.5. Untranslated strings are shown in English.
Note 5 - Updater feedback may lag
If the updater seems to stop for a few minutes don't worry. It is still working and will show progress in a few minutes.
[Edit] 2012-02-19:
Known issues
* WiFi not working at 5 GHz
* Some translations went missing in German
* UI bug when creating a backup job with custom choosen content making this selection difficult
* MiniDLNA config file gets messed up in some conditions, causing it not to work properly
All these issues are being fixed right now, releasing 2.4.1 soon.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
I get the feeling that I've missed something here, so sorry for asking now. If I understand things correctly this upgrade will completely replace my old firefly (mt-daapd) with logitechmediaserver? What will that mean to me (I use daap a lot to stream music to my Soundbridges)? Will I have to do some manual configuration to get the new software to do the same thing as the old?
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
No, that's not correctDanielM wrote:I get the feeling that I've missed something here, so sorry for asking now. If I understand things correctly this upgrade will completely replace my old firefly (mt-daapd) with logitechmediaserver? What will that mean to me (I use daap a lot to stream music to my Soundbridges)? Will I have to do some manual configuration to get the new software to do the same thing as the old?

Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Ah. I see. Ok, new question: How much have you tested forked-daapd? I actually tried switching over from mt-daapd to forked-daapd some year ago but I had to switch back because forked-daapd screwed things up. I don't remember exactly, but I think it had something to do with swedish characters in filenames (or maybe in id3 tags). I just want to be sure before I actually upgrade...carl wrote:No, that's not correctmt-daapd has been replaced by forked-daapd, and squeezeboxserver(squeezecenter(slimserver))) has been renamed (again) into "Logitech Media Server"
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Based on our testing, forked-daapd has performed good.DanielM wrote:Ah. I see. Ok, new question: How much have you tested forked-daapd? I actually tried switching over from mt-daapd to forked-daapd some year ago but I had to switch back because forked-daapd screwed things up. I don't remember exactly, but I think it had something to do with swedish characters in filenames (or maybe in id3 tags). I just want to be sure before I actually upgrade...carl wrote:No, that's not correctmt-daapd has been replaced by forked-daapd, and squeezeboxserver(squeezecenter(slimserver))) has been renamed (again) into "Logitech Media Server"
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
What you will have to do is to upgrade manually from the command line, using following instructions:deubler wrote:Hi,
I get the message "Upgrade halted: Nothing to upgrade". I have a custom version due to manual downgrade of Squeezecenter to resolve database issues with SqC 7.6.1 :
Package name Package version
bubba-album 2.3
bubba-backend 2.3.1
bubba-frontend 2.3.1
bubba3-kernel 2.6.38-1
filetransferdaemon 0.50.26
squeezecenter 7.5.4.dfsg1-2
Could you please support me in upgrading to 2.4? Thanks a lot!!
Code: Select all
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get dist-upgrade
- Posts: 904
- Joined: 09 Oct 2009, 18:49
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Yes, the new kernel package contains the modules directly now (now the kernel is a real debian package as well with functional debian source package)RandomUsername wrote:wants to remove the package bubba3-modules.Code: Select all
apt-get dist-upgrade
Should I let it?
- Posts: 904
- Joined: 09 Oct 2009, 18:49
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Thanks Carl.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Just upgrade to 2.4, upgrade went smoothly.
I have a small problem with Logitech Media Server.
When trying Rescan Media Library with the option “Clear library and rescan everything”
It is not clearing the library! There is no option to clear the library.
Looking for solution for the issue.
I have a small problem with Logitech Media Server.
When trying Rescan Media Library with the option “Clear library and rescan everything”
It is not clearing the library! There is no option to clear the library.
Looking for solution for the issue.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Tested and confirmed. Guess either I must've been hit by something that was fixed since then or your package is simply a bit more Swedish friendly than the upstreams onecarl wrote:Based on our testing, forked-daapd has performed good.

edit: I was a bit too fast there... Playing music works on my Soundbridges, but the admin web interface doesn't. I just get "Method Not Implemented - Invalid method in request".
edit 2: Seems you forgot to ship the web interface in the deb... In /var/log/forked-daapd.log I get lots of the following:
The /usr/share/forked-daapd folder doesn't exist at all here...[2012-01-27 18:13:23] httpd: Could not lstat() /usr/share/forked-daapd/webface/index.html: Filen eller katalogen finns inte
[2012-01-27 18:13:24] httpd: Could not lstat() /usr/share/forked-daapd/webface/favicon.ico: Filen eller katalogen finns inte
edit 3: Darn. Now I found the trouble that I had with forked-daapd last time I tried. All swedish characters (åäöÅÄÖ) in track or album names gets garbled. Makes it kinda unusable for me. And now I upgraded the entire lot so I've got no way back to mt-daapd. Darn again.
edit 4: Ok. Found the problem. forked-daapd doesn't handle utf-16 in id3 tags. Tried converting some tracks to iso-8859-1 instead. Worked. Guess I'll have to do the massive job converting all of my tags...
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
On bubba2, the 2.4 update has issues because bubba-backend depends on bubba3-kernel, which (obviously) cannot be installed. This prevents installation of some bits of tor, for example.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
Quick question: am I reading correctly that this involves a new kernel as well? Are the sources available for this as well?
(I can't afford the luxury of crippling my ipsec - klips - connection right now)
(I can't afford the luxury of crippling my ipsec - klips - connection right now)
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
einar wrote:On bubba2, the 2.4 update has issues because bubba-backend depends on bubba3-kernel, which (obviously) cannot be installed. This prevents installation of some bits of tor, for example.
EDIT: Also, tor refuses to start citing wrong permissions and owner on /var/run.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.4
The previous version was actually worse with this, which is why I manually upgraded to Logitech Media Server before (I'll make the switch to B3 2.4 shortly). Thing is that the previous version would not clear anything, even if the actual files were removed. The new Logitech Media Server is a major improvement in that it will actually delete entries that point to non-existent files. The trick to make it rescan what is faulty, is to physically move these files (temporarily) to a different place (just rename the folder).alon wrote:Just upgrade to 2.4, upgrade went smoothly.
I have a small problem with Logitech Media Server.
When trying Rescan Media Library with the option “Clear library and rescan everything”
It is not clearing the library! There is no option to clear the library.
Looking for solution for the issue.