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Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3.2
Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 10:44
by johannes
This is a new minor upgrade. The upgrade is available only as a software upgrade.
How to upgrade
To upgrade a running system, make sure you don't have any activities running such as uploads, downloads, print jobs etc. Then log in as admin in web-ui. Choose "Settings" menu entry. Choose "Software update" in the sub menu.
Since the update service depends on root access to the MySQL database, if you have changed the default MySQL password the update may fail. If it has been changed, run the update from the command line. Default options should be ok, but you need to provide your MySQL root password.
New features and major changes
* Fixed issue in ftd causing upload via file manager to fail after 256 files
* Fixed memory leak issue in disk manager, causing UI to behave strange and some operations to fail
* Fixed memory leak issue in photo album generation
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3.2
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 08:41
by meta96
... update troubles. After the update process, B3 is running fine, but my webgui has troubles, i cant open the network or identity page(s). The software update page shows 3.2 but after pressing update nothing happens.
... should i try to update again to use the command line? I am on vincent* and B3 is used as 3G AP/router/server. Which commands would you suggest?
* vincent was needed for wvdial
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3.2
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 09:03
by meta96
meta96 wrote:... update troubles. After the update process, B3 is running fine, but my webgui has troubles, i cant open the network or identity page(s). The software update page shows 3.2 but after pressing update nothing happens.
... should i try to update again to use the command line? I am on vincent* and B3 is used as 3G AP/router/server. Which commands would you suggest?
* vincent was needed for wvdial
ok, did
apt-get -c /etc/apt/bubba-apt.conf -y update
apt-get -c /etc/apt/bubba-apt.conf -y dist-upgrade
but get this messages:
Fehler traten auf beim Bearbeiten von:
... ?
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3.2
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 09:19
by johannes
Ah, if you are on vincent and did a full system update you got our testing version. To explain:
Elvin: "Stable" (where 2.3.2 currently is and all B3's update agains from factory settings)
Hugo: "Unstable" (where we currently have the 2.4 release candidate)
Vincent: "Testing"
So, in vincent we drop all kinds of garbage (well..) which we use for testing, and doing a full update against vincent is usually not a good idea.
I suggest you manually downgrade against elvin to gain a stable system. Installing wvdial from vincent is of course OK, but don't run a full update against it.
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3.2
Posted: 07 Jan 2012, 10:04
by Ubi
This is most likely a repost, but I found out that, after manual dist-upgrade, apt asks to me to run apt-get autoremove. However this remove bubba-apt which deletes all the excito repositories. Is that supposed to happen?
Re: Release notes for Excito B3 software version 2.3.2
Posted: 09 Jan 2012, 08:01
by carl
Ubi wrote:This is most likely a repost, but I found out that, after manual dist-upgrade, apt asks to me to run apt-get autoremove. However this remove bubba-apt which deletes all the excito repositories. Is that supposed to happen?
The bubbba-apt package isn't used anymore, and you should fond the repositories now in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/excito.list