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OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 16:28
by NisseJ
Well, i have noticed that OS X Lion doesn't like using my B3 for time machine. It seems there is some changed security in how the mac sees the b3. When i have been searching for a solution it looks like netatalk 2.2 has Lion support so well, my wish is that this package is upgraded
I will also try to upgrade it manually.
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 02 Jul 2011, 16:52
by NisseJ
I found some nice info aswell that can be used for Time Machine functionality which makes it possible to use TM on a Mac to the B3 without hacking anything on the client.
If doing the changes in /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default as stated here ... -netatalk/
And also adding the:
Code: Select all
<txt-record>sys=waMA=«MAC Address»,adVF=0x100</txt-record>
<txt-record>dk0=adVF=0x83,adVN=Time Machine</txt-record>
in the /etc/avahi/services/afpd.service makes the Mac find the Time Machine easily. Change the «MAC Address» to your B3s eth1 and type it with the : (00:22:02:xx:xx:xx)
Sadly i didn´t find this info before i upgraded my main partition to Lion

Gotta test this on a Snow Leopard mac anyhow.
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 11:54
by carl
I've added netatalk 2.2.1 now to the unstable repository (vincent). As of yet untested using lion, but we'll going to test it asap.
Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 08 Dec 2011, 14:09
by NisseJ
How do i do to switch to the unstable repository? I will gladely test it

Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 15:58
by Satrap
NisseJ wrote:How do i do to switch to the unstable repository? I will gladely test it

yeah, would be nice to know what to add. I'd like to test it too.
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 13 Jan 2012, 20:56
by Satrap
I installed netatalk 2.2.1 from unstable rep. and it seems to work. I will test it couple days more.
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 14 Jan 2012, 04:48
by Ubi
Satrap, as it seemed that some users have difficulty reproducing your action, could you write a recipe of what you did on the forum (anabling the repo, apt-get update etc) so that other users with the same problem can get their answers quickly?
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 15 Jan 2012, 05:30
by Satrap
Good mornng,
now it's already running for >30 hrs with hourly backups (adding and removing gigabytes of stuff to backup) and it seems to work well. At least the backup part, didn't tried to recover anything yet
What I did:
Add unstable repository by editing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/excito.list
just add at bottom of the file
Code: Select all
deb vincent main
Once it's done Lion's Time Machine will see your B3 box in "Select Disk" config and you can
backup your Mac to public folder "out of the box".
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 15:11
by mark
Thanks Satrap, it is working fine on my OSX Lion as well!
I have added one more things to your tutorial, as I wanted to do the backup to an external disk, connected by USB to my b3. That way, Time Machine will not fill my entire b3 harddisk with backups...
For anybody who wants to do the same thing:
First, mount the external USB disk in the b3 web interface and take note of the mount path. For me it was /home/storage/extern/TimeMachine-1
After the steps of Satrap:
Code: Select all
vi /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default
At the bottom you will find two lines that describe the default shares that will be available, with the names "User Share" and "Public Share". After those, you can add your own shares. Like for example:
Code: Select all
/home/storage/extern/TimeMachine-1 "Time Machine" cnidscheme:dbd dpath:/var/lib/netatalk fperm:0664 dperm:0775
The only thing you then have to do, is restart netatalk and the new share will also appear in the TimeMachine configuration:
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 22 Jan 2012, 05:37
by Ubi
Indeed it works brilliant.
One note is that time machine will eat your whole partition, and there's nothing to config about it. So better make a separate partition for time machine first!
* first SSH into the box as root DIRECTLY. You may need to alter AllowRootLogin in /etc/ssh/sshd_config for this.
then check if the home partition is unlocked:
This command should not give output.
Now, umount the home partition, and resize the ext3 partition. Here I change my 920GB home partition into an 800GB partition. BACKUP your stuff before doing this!!
Code: Select all
umount /home
resize2fs /dev/mapper/bubba-storage 800G
This may take a long time. If your connection dies in the middle of the operation you are SOL. So maybe let the "at" daemon do it. First type "at now", then you get a prompt. Enter the resize command, enter, control-D to execute. Try this with a simple command first if you never used at.
Now reduce the LVM volume
Code: Select all
lvreduce /dev/mapper/bubba-storage 800G
And then create and format the a new partition
Code: Select all
lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n timemachine bubba
mke2fs -j /dev/bubba/timemachine
Make the new mount point and add an entry in /etc/fstab
Code: Select all
mkdir /timemachine
cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.ori
echo "/dev/mapper/bubba-timemachine /timemachine ext3 defaults 0 2" >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
df -h
This last command should now report the timemachine volume.
Thanks everyone who contributed to this thread. I now have a happy girlfriend and a non-empty bank account!
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 22 Jan 2012, 12:20
by Ubi
I made a new wiki entry that hopefully combines this thread into a sinlge recipe. Please have a look and let me know of the unclarities and mistakes that may still be in there
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 10:31
by Anonymous777
Ubi, thanks for the tutorial. An improvement would be to limit backup size not by resizing the partition, but creating custom .sparsebundle. Imagine having multiple Macs that do TM backups. Another good reason to do it that way is a possibility to make the backup FileVault2 encrypted. (See ... capsule-wi ) I'm currently fighting to achieve that on B3 and will report if there will be some success. The link above is not 100% correct so there are obstacles to overcome.
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 06:04
by rdaneel
The way this should be done on an external disk is not in tutorial.
I 'm trying (and failing) to do this on my external storage disk
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 08 Jul 2012, 11:03
by nobody
well considering you did not state what part failed it's kinda hard for anyone to comment anything meaningful here. In principle though it should be easier to perform on an external drive.
Re: OS X Lion and Time Machine on the B3 doesn't work.
Posted: 04 Aug 2012, 06:03
by mjamting
I followed the instructions on and created a lvm-partition for the TM backup. This was long before the latest version of the bubba software was released.
The new functionality seems better to me, can anyone help me and tell me how to remove the timemachine partition and expand the original partition to cover the whole disk. Basically add the outlines how to undo the steps in the wiki-tutorial.