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Twonky on B3?

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 16:10
by Moloko

I tried to install Twonky from theirs homepage, but I guess the arhitecture is wrong. I tried both Linux versions without success...

Will there be any support for Twonky on our beloved B3's?


Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 17:07
by Cheeseboy
Hi Moloko,

Yes, you are right, they only offer it compiled for i386 GNU/Linux.
I guess your feature request belongs with them rather than here...

Best regards,


Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 28 Apr 2011, 17:43
by Moloko
Yupp, but I hoped I were wrong in my assumption... :wink:

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 29 Apr 2011, 10:13
by johannes
We have installed in to test, we considered it for the B3 but decided not to include it since it was too expensive and not open source.

If you still want to try mediatomb, have a look here:

So yes, they have "as-is" ARM builds as well. (Use the little endian, glibc version). I would suspect that they are 30-day trials, you probably need to pay after that...

(As a sidenote, the B3 2.3 release due in june will include minidlna in favor of mediatomb).

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 31 Oct 2011, 18:01
by _NE_
Im trying to install Twonky on my B3, downloaded the package stated above but when starting twonky i get "Starting /usr/local/bin/twonkymedia/twonkymedia ... /usr/local/bin/twonkymedia/ 154: /usr/local/bin/twonkymedia/twonkymedia: not found" when searching the web for a solution it seems that this is because twonky is a 32 bit app and the system is 64 bit (is this correct?).
When trying to install 32 bit support as stated in the read me for twonky i get the feedback "E: Unable to locate package ia32-libs", is there a way to solve the problems?

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 02 Nov 2011, 09:14
by johannes
Did you really download the ARM version?

Look here:

and download:

Linux ARM little endian glibc 2.2.5

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 13 Nov 2011, 05:05
by _NE_
Sorry to say so, but yes, have tried several times but all with the same result, also different versions 4,5 & 6.
I'm quite interested of getting this to work as i already have licenses for twonky.

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 13 Nov 2011, 06:14
by johannes
Can you please explain the steps you take when installing? (and no, the arm version is for 32 bit systems so this is something else).

Sent from my android using Tapatalk

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 13 Nov 2011, 12:20
by _NE_
I think I'm doing it right, but here it is.

Loging in by my user changing to su.

Downloading for example the newest version " ..." to a folder on the B3 "/usr/local/twonkymedia/.

Unziping by unzip in the same folder.

Checking the rights making it 700 for the recommended files "chmod 700 twonkym* cgi-bin/* plugins/*"

Trying to start the server by issuing the full path, "/usr/local/twonkymedia/twonkymedia".

Then i get "bash: /usr/local/twonkymedia/twonkymedia: No such file or directory", but the file is there and i can for example open it in an editor.

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 13 Nov 2011, 17:31
by ryz
How does the first line in that file look like?
My guessing is that it is an faulty shebang. An faulty shebang usually gives this unhelpful error.

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 04:37
by johannes
Now I'm just an amateur here and the Carl isn't here now, this is how far I got:

Code: Select all

root@b3-demo:/home/web/tw3# LD_DEBUG=all /lib/ /home/web/tw/twonkymedia
     30007:  file=/home/web/tw/twonkymedia [0];  generating link map
     30007:    dynamic: 0x00010c38  base: 0x00000000   size: 0x00008d98
     30007:      entry: 0x0000874c  phdr: 0x00008034  phnum:          6
     30007: [0];  needed by /home/web/tw/twonkymedia [0]
     30007:  find [0]; searching
     30007:   search cache=/etc/
     30007:    trying file=/lib/
     30007: [0];  generating link map
     30007:    dynamic: 0x4029bef0  base: 0x4027f000   size: 0x0001f214
     30007:      entry: 0x4028340c  phdr: 0x4027f034  phnum:          9
     30007: [0];  needed by /home/web/tw/twonkymedia [0]
     30007:  find [0]; searching
     30007:   search cache=/etc/
     30007:    trying file=/lib/
     30007: [0];  generating link map
     30007:    dynamic: 0x403caf08  base: 0x4029f000   size: 0x0012f504
     30007:      entry: 0x402b46cc  phdr: 0x4029f034  phnum:         10
     30007:  checking for version `GLIBC_2.0' in file /lib/ [0] required by file /home/web/tw/twonkymedia [0]
Segmentation fault
If this doesn't help you getting on please get back and I'll ask Carl later this week.

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 14 Nov 2011, 13:21
by _NE_
I get exactly the same result,

Here is a thread on another forum where the same problem is discussed, but also here without a final result.

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 14:52
by _NE_
OK, so i got it running.

I found a clue on this blog ... humbnails/ which recommends the Kirkwood build.
I tried the Kirkwood build and it worked as a charm (this far ;) )

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 15 Nov 2011, 15:49
by johannes
Wonderful, great work _NE_!

Obviously they added the kirkwood build since we tried this. Thank!

Re: Twonky on B3?

Posted: 05 Dec 2011, 05:11
by oliver
johannes wrote:Wonderful, great work _NE_!

Obviously they added the kirkwood build since we tried this. Thank!
Hi Johannes,

would be great if you could bring this setup checklist to your wiki :mrgreen:

