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ipv6 networking on B2?

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Joined: 14 Mar 2011, 13:12

ipv6 networking on B2?

Post by romeoz »

Hi all,

Does anyone on the forum have actual experience setting up IPv6 (native or tunneled) on the B2? I found a few entries in the forum that discuss IPv6 support on the B3, but I it's unclear whether this applies to the B2 as well. Also the various claims about IPv6 support range from 'not supported' to 'works out-of-the-box' - which seems somewhat of a contradiction. :)

Also found a remark in ... pv6#p13597 on a wiki entry that ought to be around, or even a howto, but searching the wiki with keywords 'ipv6' and/or 'network' have not turned up anything relevant.

What I am in fact looking to do is set up my B2 with a tunnel to an IPv6 tunnel broker and have the B2 (as the outgoing device for the local network) router-advertise itself to the internal network. With the appropriate iptables entries to avoid nastiness, obviously.

So, summarizing, any concrete pointers to previous discussions on forum or wiki are appreciated.

Posts: 23
Joined: 07 Feb 2011, 14:17

Re: ipv6 networking on B2?

Post by asl »

This is something on my TODO list, but for B3. Since this is basically a Debian image, and my current tunnel end point is a debian machine, i'm not expecting too many problems.

What i can say is that B3 works fine as a simple IPv6 device. It got an IPv6 via router advertisement. ssh, www, ntp etc are all working dual stack without problems. However, i've not seen mention of IPv6 in the web gui. So you need to be CLI competent in order to setup tunnels etc.
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