The Data Retention Directive, more formally "Directive 2006/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the retention of data generated or processed in connection with the provision of publicly available electronic communications services or of public communications networks and amending Directive 2002/58/EC" is a controversial Directive issued by the European Union and relates to Telecommunications data retention. According to the directive, member states will have to store citizens' telecommunications data for six to 24 months stipulating a maximum time period. Under the directive the police and security agencies will be able to request access to details such as IP address and time of use of every email, phone call and text message sent or received. A request to access the information will be able only with a court order.
The Data Retention Directive has sparked serious concerns from physicians, journalists, privacy and human rights groups, unions, IT security firms and legal experts. It is currently planned implemented and voted for by major political parties in Norway.
A similar situation exists in Sweden as The Titan traffic database. It is a database established by the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment where call detail records (CDRs) of telephony and internet traffic and transaction data (IPDRs) concerning international telecommonications are stored. It is similar to the NSA Call Database established by its American counterpart NSA and the database that would be established according to the Interception Modernisation Programme by its British counterpart GCHQ.
The existence of database became public 16 June 2008 after a leak to Rapport (news programm),two days before the so-called FRA-law was passed by the Swedish parliament which, inter alia, expanded the mandate of the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment and its access to telecommunications.
The FRA law (FRA-lagen in Swedish) is a Swedish legislative package that authorizes the state to warrantlessly wiretap all telephone and Internet traffic that crosses Sweden's borders. It was passed by the Parliament of Sweden on June 18, 2008, by a vote of 143 to 138 (with one delegate abstaining and 67 delegates not present) and took effect on January 1, 2009.
Here is a somewhat rough guide:
Some linux know-how (editing files with nano) is required to set up and configure Tor, but it is not really hard to do. Do not use the deb repository from, since it does NOT support B3's ARM CPU.
You will need to connect to your B3 with SSH .
How to install Tor and polipo:
Install Tor by running the following commands (as root) at your B3's command prompt:
apt-get update
apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb polipo
That installs TOR and Polipo.
Move on to step two of the "Tor on Linux/Unix" instructions. ... .en#polipo
Configure your TOR button to use the TOR proxy:
You will need to read this: ... plications.
and: ... onnecttoit
How Tor works
It should be possible for excito to add the correct config files in pakage directory so they is downloaded when tor and polipo is installed.
If anyone have improvements/ edits to this guide, feel free to add them.
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How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
since apparently this is going to be a hot item, on account of governments starting to instruct ISP's to block access to several web resources, I thought I'd give it a go. The above description is.... not a lot of help. The pages linked to... probably even less. Information on the on-off plugin for Firefox tell you that Polipo is no longer required, but the first thing it complains about when activated is that it thinks Polipo is not installed correctly
So let's start with what we have. There's TOR and there's Polipo. TOR is just a "Socks Proxy" and regardless of what they say Firefox and most other applications can not use this directly. That's what Polipo is for, because Polipo is an internet proxy that can act as a front-end for TOR.
Quickstart guide:
since apparently this is going to be a hot item, on account of governments starting to instruct ISP's to block access to several web resources, I thought I'd give it a go. The above description is.... not a lot of help. The pages linked to... probably even less. Information on the on-off plugin for Firefox tell you that Polipo is no longer required, but the first thing it complains about when activated is that it thinks Polipo is not installed correctly

So let's start with what we have. There's TOR and there's Polipo. TOR is just a "Socks Proxy" and regardless of what they say Firefox and most other applications can not use this directly. That's what Polipo is for, because Polipo is an internet proxy that can act as a front-end for TOR.
Quickstart guide:
- install the three components:
~# apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb polipo - Find and uncomment the following lines in /etc/polipo/config:
proxyAddress = "" # IPv4 only
socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050"
socksProxyType = socks5 - Start services:
~# /etc/init.d/tor start
~# /etc/init.d/polipo start - On your workstation, get the torbutton for Firefox
- Change preferences for torbutton:
HTTP Proxy => <B3 address> => 8123 - Click the test-button
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
In case you didn't hear this before, Tor will be included in the 2.4 release for B2 and B3, coming soon. This will include Tor as router (bridge, exit-node or non-exit node), running on B3, not automatically anonymizing your LAN.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
I didn't
Still doesn't hurt if people know how to configure the client to use it. I've been pulling my hair (which I got a lot of) for some time trying to figure out what was wrong when it gave me messages about the proxy on localhost not responding, while the objective was of course to access Tor on the B3.

Still doesn't hurt if people know how to configure the client to use it. I've been pulling my hair (which I got a lot of) for some time trying to figure out what was wrong when it gave me messages about the proxy on localhost not responding, while the objective was of course to access Tor on the B3.
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
Agree. And as I said it is not a Tor client that we are releasing but a Tor server, so this is of interest in any case I guess, I just wanted to mention it.
/Johannes (Excito co-founder a long time ago, but now I'm just Johannes)
- Posts: 57
- Joined: 19 Oct 2010, 05:27
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
I think that the TOR should be accessible as a socks5 proxy.
Perhaps the developers can take a look at it ?
Perhaps the developers can take a look at it ?
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
TOR *is* a socks5 proxy - the thing is that browsers such as Firefox, while claiming to support socks5, actually don't send out web requests using this protocol. That's why it's in the guide that you need to install Polipo, but it fails to state why you need it and how to use it.supermagnum wrote:I think that the TOR should be accessible as a socks5 proxy.
Perhaps the developers can take a look at it ?
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
With web request I guess you mean DNS request? There is some hidden configuration in firefox to make it do DNS request through the socks proxy but it is not on default. At least this is how I remember it to be.
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
No. I mean http, https and ftp. It's in those fields in internet settings that you need to enter the Polipo address and port. Polipo does the socks5 to TOR.ryz wrote:With web request I guess you mean DNS request? There is some hidden configuration in firefox to make it do DNS request through the socks proxy but it is not on default. At least this is how I remember it to be.
Re: How to set up TOR, and avoid DRD/FRA
I would like to use tor from command-line on B3 with a text-based browser like Links or Lynx.
I have tor running and Polipo config fixed??? and I have torsocks installed but all I get is "unable to connect to remote host", and "can't access startfile". What is missing? It would be nice to get this thing up and running.
I have tor running and Polipo config fixed??? and I have torsocks installed but all I get is "unable to connect to remote host", and "can't access startfile". What is missing? It would be nice to get this thing up and running.