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B2 as weather station
Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 15:49
by Cohan
I'm thinking of buying a weather station with USB-connection and hooking it up with my B2 to serve current weather updates on a webpage. (And perhaps also a webcam for showing a picture of the current weather situation.)
Has anyone tried this with a B2? Any suggestions for suitable weather stations? (Or webcams)
Re: B2 as weather station
Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 16:19
by Binkem
There are some posts about this. I guess they are in the Howto topic.
Re: B2 as weather station
Posted: 15 Nov 2010, 06:12
by gjdb
Dear Konrad,
I have just finished the conversion of my weatherstation from windows to B3 with wview software. Conversion of the presentation (wview-templates) at the website is at this time not completed, but B3 works well!
I am using weatherstation Vantage Pro2 Plus together with weatherlink USB. Simply following the installation guide of wview. Only the webinterface of wview I can not make working. But all functions are available using the commondline methode by ssh. See for all resources to the links in de bottom of my site