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Bubba3, PS3 and .mpg files with H264 codecs

Posted: 21 Oct 2010, 05:43
by mojs

Just wanted to share a hint for people that want to stream movies to a PS3.

All movies I had that contained x264 codecs embedded in .mpg files stopped to show up when I migrated from B2 => B3. In order to solve this:
In the file /etc/mediatomb/config.xml find the section extension-mimetype and add the following line.

Code: Select all

<map from="mpg" to="video/mp4"/>
After that your .mpg files containing H264 video codecs should be working no your PS3 again. Notice that you need to force mediatomb to update it's database. Not sure how to do this in a good way, I renamed the folder containing the .mpg files to force this.

Old .mpg files (not containing H264 video data and simmilar) still works fine after this.