wasn't sure to post this as a feature request or "how can I tweak this myself".
In my current photo album (which I'm planning to phase out in favour of my shiny new Bubba2) I support mixing photos and films, using ffmpeg (executed on windows) to convert the movies (in my case .MOV from my camera) to flash video (.flv). I also use ffmpeg to extract a thumbnail based on the first frame of the movie.
I'm thinking about attempting to tweak the Bubba2's photo album so that it'd support movies as well and to automagically create the .flv and thumb as part of the process in learning more about Linux (I'm fairly familiar with .php, but fairly new to Linux).
The first question that arise is : How would I install and then execute ffmpeg on my Bubba2?
Meanwhile I post it as a feature request: Movie support in the photo album.
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Photo album with support for movies
Re: Photo album with support for movies
To install the ffmpeg package, log on to the bubba via ssh and type:
regarding how to use it, just read the ffmpeg manual.
I think it is a better solution to use a gallery like e.g. Zenphoto wich has built in support both .mov, .flv and more.
Code: Select all
$ su
# apt-get update
# apt-get install ffmpeg
I think it is a better solution to use a gallery like e.g. Zenphoto wich has built in support both .mov, .flv and more.
Re: Photo album with support for movies
Thanks for the advice, but I'll write my own for various reasons.eds_oyo wrote:I think it is a better solution to use a gallery like e.g. Zenphoto wich has built in support both .mov, .flv and more.
- Posts: 3
- Joined: 03 Jun 2010, 02:34
Re: Photo album with support for movies
It sounds great. Its really nice to have something like this performs the dual tasks with a singel one. It is good to have such 2 in 1 for use.
Re: Photo album with support for movies
I have had a look at their website and like what I see. Downloading and putting it somewhere (/opt) is all doable, but I cannot figure out how to progress from here. Haven't been able to locate something in Zenphoto forums and their install guide glosses over key details (create an SQL database. How? Where?). Anybody who can point me in the right direction? I am reasonably proficient with Linux with some adjustment issues as Debian is a bit different than Mandriva (which I have used since 2002 or so).eds_oyo wrote:I think it is a better solution to use a gallery like e.g. Zenphoto wich has built in support both .mov, .flv and more.
Re: Photo album with support for movies
I implemented a totally seperate album framework.
Some notes on my implementation:
Some notes on my implementation:
- In folders having the relevant files (.jpg, .mov) i create a _web_info_ folder, containing the downscaled equivalents:
- _web_info_/thumbnails: 90px wide thumbnails .jpg's.
- _web_info_/photo : 450px wide downscaled .jpg's.
- _web_info_/film : Flash video (.flv) representations of the movies.
- Movies are converted to Flash Video .flv using ffmpeg. Unfortunately I didn't get this to work on the bubba (due to dependancy to lame I gave up on), so it is done on my PC.
- Thumbnails for movies are extracted using ffmpeg (this works on the bubba), utilizing that an mjpeg with 1 frame is actually a valid .jpg image. (relevant ffmpeg attribs "-vframes 1 -f mjpeg -s 90x68")
- The location of the contennts is not restricted to the /storage/pictures folder, but can be pretty much anywhere on the bubba.
- The contents are streamed via php, ie no direct access from the web. This requires the .flv player to ignore the file exension (some requires it to be .flv else they won't play it). The JWPlayer handles this (just set the provider attrib to video). http://www.longtailvideo.com/