How to install Hellanzb for Usenet access on Bubba
Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 17:01
It took a while to get used to linux, years since I used it, but somehow I successfully installed Hellanzb on the Bubba. Here's how I did it.
I tried some stuff back and forth, so there might be something missing in this how-to, please let me know if I need to edit anything. I'm a total linux-n00b, so there might be something stupid here, let me know, I need to learn!
Mission accomplished!
When you get it running, let me know what speeds you get. I had some problems with speed which i posted in this thread:
Let me know what you think of this tutorial, and I hope someone finds it useful!
I tried some stuff back and forth, so there might be something missing in this how-to, please let me know if I need to edit anything. I'm a total linux-n00b, so there might be something stupid here, let me know, I need to learn!

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# Type "su" and enter the root password (default is "excito") to get root access
# cd to a directory where you want to install it, i used /home/username/ where username is a user I created and logged in with.
cd /home/username/
# You might need to Update APT-GET, not sure:
apt-get update
# Install Python modules and Par2: (python-pyopenssl only needed if you're using SSL)
apt-get install python-dev python-twisted python-pyopenssl par2
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# I didn't succeed to install unrar via apt-get, but i did it this way:
dpkg -i unrar_3.5.4-1.1_powerpc.deb
# Download and extract Hellanzb:
tar -xzvf hellanzb-0.13.tar.gz
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# Install Hellanzb with python:
cd hellanzb-0.13
python install
# Copy the config file:
cp /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf.sample /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf
# Edit the config-file with pico (use CTRL-X to save and exit):
pico /usr/etc/hellanzb.conf
# Set Hellanzb.PREFIX_DIR = '/home/username/' (Replace with your username)
# Enter your usenet-provider hosts, port, username and password where it fits
# If you're using SSL, you need to set that line to "True"
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#Run it!
# Put a nzb file in the Queue:
# Hellanzb will now start to download and extract. When it's done, it'll be in this folder:
Mission accomplished!
When you get it running, let me know what speeds you get. I had some problems with speed which i posted in this thread:
Let me know what you think of this tutorial, and I hope someone finds it useful!