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GNU Assembly Programming on the Excito Bubba (original)

Posted: 28 Dec 2009, 15:21
by wmnelis
Hi all. I have been trying to get a very simple assembly program working on the Bubba. Here is the code:

Code: Select all

# hello.s - As simple a program as you can get. Just to get a compile
#	    and successful run.
.section .text, "x"

.global	_start

	ADD	r0, r0, r1
	MOV	pc, lr
The code compiles just fine, but will Segfault. In fact any assembly code that I write and compile on this platform immediately Segfaults. I am assuming that I am passing the wrong arguments to as. Right now the only one I am passing is the following: "-march=armv4t". I am actually using the makefile below, but if anyone has a working example code that is compiled by just calling as from the command line I would appreciate seeing that too (and the command line used of course).


Code: Select all

## Macros

# Environment macros
RM=rm -f

# Project macros
EXE_NAME=hello #Put the name you want the executable to have here

## File List

# Project file list (leave off the suffixes)

# 3rd party file list
	#Put any required 3rd party libraries here

## Suffix rules (do not change)

## Commands (do not change)

# Build the executable only
exe:				\
	compile			\

# Compile all files
compile: ${SOURCE_FILES:=.s}

# Link object files into executable
all: ${SOURCE_FILES:=.o}

# Get rid of all non-source files
Just trying to get any assembly code to run. Thanks for any help you can offer.