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Weird WAN Access Problems

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Posts: 21
Joined: 24 Oct 2008, 02:12

Weird WAN Access Problems

Post by moxieman »

I recently received my BubbaTwo and have been trying to get it to work as router / firewall for my network. When I have it plugged in, the only website I can get is the local Bubba admin site, but no external sites.

At first, I could not access anything else (via ping or otherwise) from my computer. Once I ssh'd into the server and su'd to root, I found that I could get to the WAN from the command line there. I performed an apt-get update and an apt-get dist-upgrade.

Now I can ping servers by name or ip address from the DOS command line on my computer, but i still can't go to any websites, either by name or ip (though I still can access bubba via web).

As soon as I switch back over to operation without the bubba, my web access is as normal. Any thoughts / suggestions? Thanks!
Posts: 21
Joined: 24 Oct 2008, 02:12


Post by moxieman »

Ok - After stepping away for a day and coming back, I did some more research and came up with the following:

Turns out the mtu size issue was the problem I was having. I executed a

Code: Select all

ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500
from su and this solved the problem instantly. I then added the line to /etc/rc.local to keep the changes persistent after reboots.

Additionally, I want to say that the squid and squidGuard howto at

was very well written and worked flawlessly (minus the couple typos I made) though you do not in fact need the <wan_ip> where suggested.

I also used shallalist's blacklists instead of the one suggested. They can be found at and are quite comprehensive.

This forum is full of lots of goodies so thanks to all who have been posting their solutions - though is it just me, or has this site been down an awful lot in the past couple days?
Posts: 372
Joined: 23 Dec 2007, 03:03
Location: the Netherlands

Post by Eek »


glad it worked for you.
could you post your blacklist solution in the how-to ?


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