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Bubba stops responding under load
Posted: 04 Dec 2008, 17:26
by MartinHageras
I've been ripping audio CD's from XP to the music directory on the Bubba. It works fine for a while (maybe 10 CD's) and then Bubba stops responding. The power button doesn't do anything so I have to pull the plug.
Most of the network goes down too, though it seems some traffic still comes through as I can keep watching Youtube (and the videos keep buffering). The DNS stops working though so I can't connect to anything new.
Could it be the Media tomb service? Since I'm ripping straight to MT's music directory maybe it goes nuts trying to update it all the time.
Re: Bubba stops responding under load
Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 09:13
by carl
MartinHageras wrote:I've been ripping audio CD's from XP to the music directory on the Bubba. It works fine for a while (maybe 10 CD's) and then Bubba stops responding. The power button doesn't do anything so I have to pull the plug.
Most of the network goes down too, though it seems some traffic still comes through as I can keep watching Youtube (and the videos keep buffering). The DNS stops working though so I can't connect to anything new.
Could it be the Media tomb service? Since I'm ripping straight to MT's music directory maybe it goes nuts trying to update it all the time.
This sound like the memory initializing bug; where a fix for is available at
Posted: 05 Dec 2008, 13:00
by MartinHageras
Unfortunately I've already applied the fix.
( That is to say, I applied the fix several days ago. So my current problem is occuring even though my Bubba has an updated bootloader. )
Another problem I have is that FTP is very slow to connect. It takes maybe 20 seconds to connect to bubba's FTP-server. Don't know if it's related to my original problem.
Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 03:22
by mad
I think I'm experiencing something similar. My sometimes stops responding under heavy load but it reboots after a while. I have successfully applied the bootloader patch and it made the problem much less common.
The lethal combination for me seems to be high disk i/o and loads of network activity (bittorrent). I could live with the unresponsiveness but the reboots are kind of uncool.
Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 05:28
by Puma
I applied the fix as well, and checked it.
But under heavy load (when i am taping with a xp station from bubba) bubba freezes it is still working but very slow. Internet is still working but very slow and the tape job freezes. The same happens when i am copy a alot of files with 50Gb or so to or from a xp station.
This is not a fileserver behaviour i wish to be....
Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 14:05
by MartinHageras
I agree - I feel that I can't trust the Bubba to fill the file server role properly. Maybe it's not up to the task of being a router/firewall and a fileserver at once.
Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 15:09
by ola
I have the same problem with rTorrent. Heavy load and then it reboots!
Posted: 08 Dec 2008, 17:09
by mad
ola wrote:I have the same problem with rTorrent. Heavy load and then it reboots!
Interesting! I've been trying to push my Bubba to reboot, had loads of 20+ but it has just worked it out. However if I start a bunch of torrents (in rTorrent) it chokes and reboots pretty much instantly.
Seems to be rTorrent related... The question is how it manages to make the Bubba reboot. There is absolutely nothing to be found in the logs and since there is no terminal if there is a kernel panic it goes in the bitbucket.
Posted: 09 Dec 2008, 14:30
by Hape
Not using XP/Home are you?
Posted: 10 Dec 2008, 09:59
by mad
Hape wrote:Not using XP/Home are you?
Me? No.
Posted: 13 Dec 2008, 04:58
by Jockewhbg
I have the same problem with rTorrent. High speed during download causes the Bubba to stop. It doesn´t reboot, it only stops so I need to pull the plug. I have applied the fix. By reducing the download speed to about 1500 kB/s I avoid the problem.
Posted: 14 Dec 2008, 19:28
by Hape
Maybe downloading a lot of 'hot' torrents (mostly tripleX.divx ) triggers a thermal-shutdown of the Bubba? ;-)
Posted: 14 Dec 2008, 19:35
by Hape
mad wrote:......The question is how it manages to make the Bubba reboot. There is absolutely nothing to be found in the logs and since there is no terminal if there is a kernel panic it goes in the bitbucket.
Support my "Bubba Two Feature Requests"
Having a serial console might be handy right?
No, not you. You are not mad enough to use XP/home ;-)