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how to delete horde and it's cronjobs?
Posted: 02 Nov 2008, 17:00
by squadra
Im just learning linux things since bubba and although i still can't update it to etch 13 i still can't figure out how to correctly delete the program horde and all it's cronjobs. I only want to use the fetchmail IMAP server functionality but not Horde itself since it can't open bigger attachments there is no use for me to use it... So my question is can it be deleted without interfering my IMAP fetching and connetion or does it work together? And does it delete it's cronjobs too (it's running alarms etc)
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 02:50
by Hammer2
Interesting that questions about Horde have a very low response rate from the otherwise very alert Excito crew.
Horde is in my opinion pure and utter crap.
Even the awful mail client on bubba 1 is better, and I would also like to know how to delete/shred/disintegrate/incinerate this unsupported piece of shit on B2 and replace it with perhaps B1 client.
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 03:58
by Xet
I agree that horde is a bit bloated but calling it "Pure and utter crap" is perhaps a bit harsh...
I guess that uninstall it is possible but chanses are that it will pop back with a new firmware release. Since it is a mail-client, I can't see how removing it could cause any problems with the IMAP server or other mail related services.
Some alternatives:
I have tried squirrelmail ( Works quite well and is easy to install.
I guess that installing the B1 webmail, IlohaMail (, is possible too. I havn't tried it though.
Those 2 seem more light-weight than horde. No DB backend, from what I can tell.
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 11:32
by mad
I don't remember exactly what steps i took to get rid of it but use aptitude to remove whatever you don't need. Then check for remains in /etc/cron.* and maybe by doing a
to see if there is anything in there.
Stripped my bubba of almost everything it came with that way.
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 11:35
by squadra
Mad i'm a newbee

what do i have to type exactly
I really want to have horde gone since it stores all my emails also deleted ones.
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 12:28
by Xet
I think the cron jobs for horde is in /etc/cron.d/bubba-horde so simply commenting the entries in that file and restart cron should do it.
Perhaps you don't even have to restart cron nowadays, but do it anyway just to be sure...
So, as root, edit /etc/cron.d/bubba-horde to you liking and save it.
Restart cron by executing