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Bubbamon on B2
Posted: 04 Oct 2008, 10:17
by ahoff
I have run Bubbbamon om B1 without problems, but on my new B2 I can't see the uptime and Disk Usage. I only get two ?. Disktemp works.
I have folowed the guide at and the reinstall part. Still no luck. Any ideas to solve this?
I think it is a great extension when it works

BTW to add a torrentdownload doesen't work either.
Posted: 05 Oct 2008, 12:56
by 6feet5
Bubbamon is not compatible with the new Bubba two, but I've just started working on a new version that will handle the B2 as well. I'm not sure how long this will take, but hopefully not to long.
Posted: 05 Oct 2008, 14:50
by ahoff

Posted: 10 Oct 2008, 06:26
by Ton
Thanks for working on Bubba2 support, a working bubbamon would even improve the bubba experience
Posted: 04 Nov 2008, 17:35
by GaryL
I've just installed bubbamon. Torrent downloads and disk temp are fine, but uptime and disk usage just have a question mark. Any ideas?
Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 12:33
by 6feet5
I'm assuming this is a Bubba Server (B1) we're talking about (if it's not, then there's the explanation, B2 support is not yet ready).
If it is a B1, then the plugin is able to log on, since you can see your downloads .
The uptime and disk usage is fetched from the main screen (index.php), the first screen you see after you log on to your bubba (web interface). Have you changed anything that has to do with the web interface?
Posted: 05 Nov 2008, 16:29
by GaryL
Hi, thanks for your reply.
Sorry I should have said, it was for my B1.
Yep you are correct; I had modded my index.php to show SMART disk status, I was unsure how you fetched the uptime and disk usage.
I reverted back to the original index.php, and everything is working 100%.
Thanks again.
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 14:19
by 6feet5
Hello again,
You can actually keep your SMART information as long as you don't change the order of certain elements in the page. The following rules must be obeyed in order to not disturb how the plugin fetches the diskusage and uptime:
1. Only three table elements must exist on the page.
2. In the second table, second and fourth td element should contain total and free disk space and eleventh td element should contain uptime.
Note that level/depth of td elements is ignored. The plugin is searching for ALL td elements in second table, even child elements (there is a third table inside one of the td elements. Its child td elements will count as well).
Not so easy to describe, but I think if you look at the HTML source, you will understand what I mean.
Hope this helps.
Re: Bubbamon hits Firefox
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 07:09
by theWebalyst
Where is BubbaMon these days? Its hard to find in this multi-page thread because the links are not updated - it would be nice to have a WikiPage or a location that won't move, e.g. can Excito host a d/l page for it?
P.S. v2.3 upgrade went very smoothly (so far!) thanks

Re: Bubbamon hits Firefox
Posted: 30 Jul 2011, 07:27
by RandomUsername