### Configuration file for excito-installer ###
### Network settings ##########################
## You can configure the ip settings for both lan and wan ports
## each one is defined by its named section, lan and wan.
## 3 parameters are available for lan and wan sections :
## proto
## dhcp for automatic configuration via dhcp
## static for static ip address
## ipaddr
## IPv4 address (x.x.x.x) for the interface. Only read and mandatory
## with static proto.
## netmask
## IPv4 netmask for the interface. Must be provided in classic dotted quad
## (x.x.x.x) notation. Only read and mandatory with static proto.
## gateway
## IPv4 address of the default gateway. Only read with static proto.
## Note : specifying multiple gateways is not supported and will have
## unexcepected behaviour.
## Additionaly you can add a dns section with the following parameters :
## nameservers
## comma-separated list of DNS servers IPv4 addresses
## search
## domain search list
## Note : if the dns section is present, it may be overridden by any
## dhcp-provided DNS servers
## Example :
## [lan]
## proto = static
## ipaddr =
## netmask =
## [wan]
## proto = dhcp
## defaults
### General settings ##########################
## image (default: None): archive file containing the image to install on the device
## if not provided or if the file does not not exists, the installer
## will exit leaving the rescue system running. path is relative
## to the install directory on the key.
## Example :
## image = excito/bubbaroot-120412-1524.tar.gz
## copy-network-settings (default: true): if true the installer will:
## - copy the resolv.conf file to the target system
## - use the interfaces.tpl template which must supplied alongside the image
## file to generate the target's /etc/network/interfaces. This will
## override the default image configuration.
## Note: this is designed only for distributions using debian-style network
## configuration
## wipe (default: false): if true the installer will remove all existing partitions on the system and create two
## partitions on the drive (system+swap). If false, the installer will format and use the first
## partition on the drive.
## Notes:
## - wipe value is ignored if there is no partition on the system; the installer will create a
## partition table and first two partitions,
## - if wipe if false and the disk layout is incorrect (one system partition (first on the
## disk, primary if mbr is used) >= 10 GiB and one swap partition (anywhere) >= 256 MiB),
## install script will exit, leaving the rescue system.
## - The installer will not change the partition table but will always format the first
## partition (system) and the first swap partition it finds)
## size (default: 10; minimal

: size of system partition to create in GiB (if applicable). Use 'full' to use
## all the available space. Any value below 8 will be overridden to 8 by the
## installer.
## Notes:
## - This value is ignored when wipe is false and partitions are available. However
## the installer will check that the existing system partition has a minimal size of
## 8 GiB before continuing
## swap (default: 512; minimal 256): size of swap partition to create in MiB (if applicable). Any value below 256
## will be overriden by the installer.
## Notes:
## - This value is ignored when wipe is false and partitions are available. However
## the installer will check that the existing swap partition has a minimal size of
## 256 MiB before continuing
## reboot (default: true): if true, the system will reboot when install is complete.
## if false, the system will keep running the rescue system
## after install is finished
## Note: the reboot value is ignored if no image is provided.
## defaults
# [general]
# image = None (rescue system only)
# copy-network-settings = true
# wipe = false
# size = 10
# swap = 512
# reboot = true