Code: Select all
Stopping web server (apache2)...httpd (no pid file) not running
looks like the port is still active, so you have an orphan process. use ps to look for the rogue service and kill it
Code: Select all
Stopping web server (apache2)...httpd (no pid file) not running
Code: Select all
2719 pts/0 00:00:00 su
2720 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
4504 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
Sorry, I know not everyone is comfortable with CLI work.robeam wrote:With every step I am leaving my comfort zone with this. It should have been a simple system upgrade...Code: Select all
PID TTY TIME CMD 2719 pts/0 00:00:00 su 2720 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 4504 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
Code: Select all
ps -ef | grep httpd
Code: Select all
root 2811 2775 0 16:16 pts/1 00:00:00 grep httpd
There can be a zombie process that has prevented sucessful shutdown of apache;robeam wrote:I wish it were that simple...
ACode: Select all
Stopping web server (apache2)...httpd (no pid file) not running .
Code: Select all
ps f -C php5-cgi,apache2 -o comm,pid,ppid
Code: Select all
bubba:/home/test# ps f -C php5-cgi,apache2 -o comm,pid,ppid
apache2 8468 1
\_ apache2 8469 8468
\_ apache2 8493 8468
\_ apache2 8494 8468
\_ apache2 8495 8468
\_ apache2 8496 8468
\_ apache2 8497 8468
\_ apache2 19436 8468
\_ apache2 19439 8468
\_ apache2 19441 8468
\_ apache2 19442 8468
\_ apache2 19540 8468
php5-cgi 2196 1
\_ php5-cgi 2221 2196
\_ php5-cgi 2223 2196
Code: Select all
pkill -9 apache2
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/apache2 start
/etc/init.d/bubba-adminphp start
This was strange; Nothing we have encountered during testing. Can you tell me what file this happened in and on what line?robeam wrote:Fixed, the upgrade had added a second line in the apache config to Listen 443, so apache was trying to bind the port twice.
Thanks all for help