Migration of gentoo-on-b3 systems to Profile 17.0
I have just completed migrating the gentoo-on-b3 weekly autobuild host to profile 17.0 (as this has
recently been stabilized for arm). As
all packages have been rebuilt under the new profile, and, to avoid confusion, a new binhost has been created to house these, at
https://isshoni.org/b3pie. This is now the binhost that will receive weekly autoupdates, going forward.
The old 13.0 binhost, at
https://isshoni.org/b3, will be retained for historical interest (at least for a while), but will no longer be autoupdated.
To upgrade your b3 system to profile 17.0, follow the instructions below.
First, make sure you have at least 2GiB of free space on your B3's filesystem (use "df -h" to check), and that you are using at least version 6.4.0 of gcc (use "gcc-config --list-profiles" to check; look for the version marked with the asterisk). Then, if that all looks good, proceed to update your ebuild repositories, and portage. As root, issue:
Code: Select all
b3 ~ # emaint sync --auto
b3 ~ # emerge -av1 sys-apps/portage
Then, switch your profile to 17.0 (e.g.):
Code: Select all
b3 ~ # eselect profile set "gentoo-b3:default/linux/arm/17.0/armv5te/b3"
Next, switch your binary package host ('binhost'), to use the new 17.0 variant mentioned above. To do so, issue:
Code: Select all
b3 ~ # nano -w /etc/portage/make.conf
and modify the line that currently reads:
Code: Select all
so it now reads instead:
Code: Select all
Leave the rest of the file as-is. Save, and exit nano.
Now you can update the core build system. Do
not follow the advice in the
official news article to rebuild gcc, binutils and glibc individually (if you do, you'll end up building them locally, rather than pulling the new binaries from the binhost, which will take a
long time). Instead, begin by issuing:
and edit, if necessary, the following three lines so they read:
Code: Select all
passwd: compat files
shadow: compat files
group: compat files
Leave the rest of the file as-is. Save, and exit nano.
Next issue:
Code: Select all
b3 ~ # emerge --ask --verbose --oneshot sys-devel/gcc sys-devel/binutils sys-libs/glibc
Check (when the above command prompts you for confirmation) that you will indeed be installing binary packages - this is a good indication you have set things up correctly.
Once this completes, rebuild your entire system for profile 17.0. Almost all the required packages should be available on the new binhost you just switched to, so this should only take a few hours (unless you have added many additional packages to the image yourself). Issue:
Code: Select all
b3 ~ # nice emerge --ask --verbose --emptytree --with-bdeps=y @world
b3 ~ # emerge --depclean
b3 ~ # nice emerge @preserved-rebuild
to resolve any proposed configuration file changes (for the most part, if you had a reasonably up-to-date 13.0 profile system to start with, typing z to 'zap' (discard) most of these proposed changes should be safe; a lot of packages have been re-installed here, but you want to keep your
prior configuration, not roll it back to 'shipped defaults').
Once done, reboot your system. Then log in again as root, and issue:
Once this has completed, congratulations, you have migrated to profile 17.0! From this point, the automated weekly genup run should keep your system correctly up-to-date.
I'll probably release an updated live-USB image using the 17.0 profile at some point in the next month or so.
Edit: this is now out, please see my post here.
As always, any issues please feel free to post here, or email me (
Best, sakaki