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Re: Problem to get internet to work with Bubba Two 2.4 RC1
Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 06:07
by nolla
Hopefully this is not related to 2.4 rc or it's installer, but my bubba died during reinstallation process. Now, everytime I plug in power to my bubba, Bubba's led goes on, but does not blink even once. It reads hd for 5 secs and then stops reading it.
What does it mean if bubba does not blink?
Re: Problem to get internet to work with Bubba Two 2.4 RC1
Posted: 24 Oct 2011, 06:14
by johannes
assuming this is a B2 not blinking is serious and means a dead motherboard, sorry. Email support and we'll give you warranty RMA instructions..
Re: Problem to get internet to work with Bubba Two 2.4 RC1
Posted: 20 Nov 2011, 12:03
by nolla
I had bad sectors in my hard drive and something wrong with my motherboard aswell. With a new unit all is working well.
However, the internet problem still existed! With the new unit, the problem could be solved with the help of this post:
Thanks to you all for your fast replies and support.