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theWebalyst wrote:Take a look at owncloud. It was easy to install on B3 and very capable, though I haven't had time to check it out fully and find out why some things don't work (music file listing) and how to get WebDav working with Windows (it works with a Java test client though).
It is opensoure and being actively developed. Very promising.
Found this on Dropbox web - will it work on the B3?
Install Dropbox via command line
The Dropbox daemon works fine on all 32-bit and 64-bit Linux servers. To install, run the following command in your Linux terminal.
Since I am not allowed to post URLs on the forum (?!) you will have to find the instructions on the Dropbox web or by googling "dropbox for debian" yourselves. Someone more "trusted" might be nice enough to post the link?
The short answer is no, it won't work as the Dropbox client is built for x86 architecture and B3 has an arm CPU. there is a bash script that uses the Dropbox API and works very nicely. Thought I'd posted a link to it here actually...