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Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 26 Jul 2011, 18:01
by LudwigVan
Hi Johannes,
how is the developement going on?
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 28 Jul 2011, 04:35
by johannes
Forward, a bit too slow than we want to as usual. The B3 2.3 releasing very soon and after that we'll move on to the promised B2 development.
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 31 Jul 2011, 20:46
by gatto
good to hear, thank you very much
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 05 Sep 2011, 16:47
by nikbr998
Any updates on the progress?
Looking forward to the release
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 06 Sep 2011, 02:32
by johannes
Yes, we have a beta released with a few known issues, and will release the final release candidate this week. Look
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 06 Sep 2011, 09:14
by scott-2
johannes wrote:Yes, we have a beta released with a few known issues, and will release the final release candidate this week. Look
Thank you! I look forward to the final release.
Sadly I cannot help with testing the beta, since life is too busy. I'm not much of a linux hobbyist (I spent most of last weekend working on Microsoft SQL Server performance issues at my job). So I eagerly await a stable release which will cause me little angst.
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 13:56
by LudwigVan
Hi Johannes,
Just running Backup-jobs and buying a new Machine for the home network I was wondering if there is now a RC for the new B|2-Software?
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 14:43
by johannes
Hi LudwigVan,
Yes, we have a relese candidate now, but it has known (serious) bugs so I don't recommend using it. We finalized a new try last friday and we'll be making some quick tests next week, so a new RC will be availble within a week or so.
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 16:41
by christian.einarsson
First I must say that I am extremely happy that you decided to do an upgrade of the B2 and that I understand that it takes a lot of work.
I would like to know if there is a list of known serious bugs in the RC publicly available? I have not managed to find one.
I'm really eager to upgrade my B2 and would be glad to provide feedback on the process. But it would be easier to decide if it's worth the risk if the bug list was available.
I'm not asking for anything fancy. A wiki page, a forum thread in announcements or feature requests where you post when a new RC is available and list the bigger issues you know are present and which ones have been fixed since the last release. Of course there should be a disclaimer in large and bold typeface.
I believe this would get you more people willing to test the release and thus also more feedback.
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 09 Oct 2011, 16:48
by johannes
Good points. Until we figure out a more presentable way to do this I'll just post the known's here:
The RC available now (version E) has the following known serious issues:
- dhcp server present itself as B3 (should be B2)
- startup wizard outputs php error (still usable though)
- backup functionalitey lacks css - not usable
- Creating RAID not possible (unconfirmed)
- many texts not translated to german and spanish
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 14:36
by Daniel.T
christian.einarsson wrote:First I must say that I am extremely happy that you decided to do an upgrade of the B2 and that I understand that it takes a lot of work.
I am also very happy that you will release new updates to B2!
Keep up the good work!
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 10 Oct 2011, 15:22
by Binkem
If the issues Johannes mentioned are the serious ones, i think Excito are very near to releasing the update!
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 15 Oct 2011, 05:42
by annun
Sorry if this is a silly question, but I am interested in what kernel modules will the ported kernel contain.
I am specifically looking for ebtables (, which is not included in the standard B2 distribution.
I need ebtables because of
multicast filtering, but I suppose it would be quite useful for other routing / filtering purposes as well.
But whatever is the answer, thanks for this amazing effort! It is great to see that Excito is willing to support older products in this fashion. Not every company does this.
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 15:10
by johannes
We'll look into it, but we have a difficult limitation on the B2 kernel, if it exceeds 2 MB the bootloader won't take it.

We are on the limit already so don't have too high expectations.
Re: B2 Software update - Excito's plans
Posted: 16 Oct 2011, 15:42
by annun
I do not expect Excito to lose precious hours because some random guy on the Internet needs ebtables

, so no worries if it's not possible. But thank you for checking!
Hope the work is going well, looking forward to the upgrade.