Re: kernel with ipsec support
Posted: 10 Dec 2010, 13:57
First of all, I'm no expert in these matters, so I accept no responsibility should you brick your unit, OK
You need to apply the patches to the source tree. Easy way out is (make sure your current directory is the "linux-" one):
Now you should be able to do:
First of all, I'm no expert in these matters, so I accept no responsibility should you brick your unit, OK

You need to apply the patches to the source tree. Easy way out is (make sure your current directory is the "linux-" one):
Code: Select all
tar xzf linux-
patch -p1 <epatches/vsc8601_and_clockskewfix.patch
patch -p1 <epatches/ETSEC27-errata-workaround.patch
patch -p1 <epatches/2.6.31-ex1.patch
Code: Select all
make bubbatwo_defconfig