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Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 10 Dec 2010, 13:57
by 6feet5

First of all, I'm no expert in these matters, so I accept no responsibility should you brick your unit, OK :-)

You need to apply the patches to the source tree. Easy way out is (make sure your current directory is the "linux-" one):

Code: Select all

tar xzf linux-
patch -p1 <epatches/vsc8601_and_clockskewfix.patch
patch -p1 <epatches/ETSEC27-errata-workaround.patch
patch -p1 <epatches/2.6.31-ex1.patch
Now you should be able to do:

Code: Select all

make bubbatwo_defconfig

Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 11 Dec 2010, 19:04
by RandomUsername
Everything compiles and starts OK on a Bubba Two thanks to the above. Now I just need to get round to configuring it and using it :)

Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 12 Dec 2010, 01:57
by kurt2000
to use the hardware acceleration, you should use aes128 as encryption.

To set encryption propossals for phase1/2 you can use :


which roughly means aes128 for encryption, sha1 for authentication and dielfe hieman2 for perfect forward secracy.

What is your scenario ? a lan2lan tunnel to a corporate lan or ?


Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 12 Dec 2010, 09:52
by RandomUsername
What is your scenario ? a lan2lan tunnel to a corporate lan or ?
Nothing too exciting. I just want to be able to remotely access my network from mobile devices (e.g. Accessing samba shares etc). Just need to find the time to set it up.

Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 12 Dec 2010, 13:58
by kurt2000
RandomUsername wrote: Nothing too exciting. I just want to be able to remotely access my network from mobile devices (e.g. Accessing samba shares etc). Just need to find the time to set it up.
Ok, what os is your client runnig ?


Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 12 Dec 2010, 14:54
by RandomUsername
It will be mainly my iPad and iPhone. Maybe I'll set it up for access from a laptop running Ubuntu too.


Re: kernel with ipsec support

Posted: 19 Dec 2010, 14:44
by kurt2000
RandomUsername wrote:It will be mainly my iPad and iPhone. Maybe I'll set it up for access from a laptop running Ubuntu too.

I've updated the wiki with some extra. ikev1 is working really well. 40 mbit troughput, no problem.
