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Posted: 29 Jan 2007, 16:44
by lelle
Yeah, I saw it was the printer USB-port right after I send my post.
When did you bought this?
Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 02:18
by John W
Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 10:52
by Krister
lelle wrote:Yeah, I saw it was the printer USB-port right after I send my post.
When did you bought this?
I bought it about two years ago....
Posted: 06 Mar 2007, 08:24
by spoodie
My Bubba hiding under my upper desk

Posted: 06 Mar 2007, 13:53
by TheEagleCD
My Bubba right after I unpacked it:
Bubba sitting on top of my 2 Mini-ITX systems (an AMD Geode LX800 DB inside a Mini-Box M200 case and an AMD Geode NX1500 DB inside a ProCase Noah):

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 13:51
by John W
This is where i have my Bubba at the moment.
In front of the window to keep the temperature down.

Posted: 16 Jun 2007, 11:43
by Plinth Adenoid
Finally remembered to snap a pic of my bubba (not great quality pic, cam phone)
I bought bubba to run swisscenter and mediatomb, I was over the moon to see mediatomb now included in the build.
Posted: 17 Jun 2007, 00:12
by Tim
Hi John,
Can you tell us what your bubba's web-site load is - Maximum number of users, pages served, concurrent connections and connection type?
I have posted a question about using Bubba as a public web server - you seem to have done it!
Tim wrote:I have had a Bubba for a couple of months now, and am very impressed.
So, I was wondering if I should purchase another Bubba to use as a dedicated 'real' web server for a professional group that I am involved with...
Thanks, Tim.
More Bubba
Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 04:39
by zmannen
Well my Bubba showing off...
500 GByte Bubba on top of my old slides that now (A lot of them) are stored in a Bubba environment. To the right an old 1,33 GB SCSI drive, to the left the top of a silicon ingut representing the solid state storage of today and in the middle my Maxim Orbital lcd display showing the status like temperature, disk, etc etc
Getting the USB display working with lcd4linux is a breeze.
Here are some info about the script I used.
Posted: 10 Jul 2007, 16:26
by Cheeseboy
You all seem to have your Bubbas in such tidy environs...
800 ASA pic taken of my larder during poor light conditions:
[Link removed]
(hosted on bubba of course)
Right to left, top to bottom:
Printer paper stolen from work; plastic bag, contents unknown; bubba; shoddy cable work; toaster that came with the flat, never used; promotional USB memory stick, nicked from work, containing Bubba backup; larder stuff; HL-2030 from Brother, excellent cheap-o printer that shuts down most power consuming parts (even LEDs) whilst idle.
Posted: 10 Jul 2007, 16:33
by Cheeseboy
Ehum, that would be left to right...
Posted: 11 Jul 2007, 04:57
by albert
I like the tin of backed beans, next to bubba. He must be hungry!
Posted: 12 Jul 2007, 15:33
by Clive
My Bubba sat in the hallway, 60 days uptime

Posted: 14 Jul 2007, 11:54
by Cheeseboy
Hi Clive,
You are in the UK?
And you have wooden floor without a horrible carpet?
How did you manage that? I lived in three different flats in the UK for 8 years, All of them had fitted carpets even in the bathrooms.
In one place my flatmate used to dye his hair, but was used to Swedish standards, so he accidentally dyed the bathroom carpet as well.
It was horrible, and we paid 1100 quid a month for it.
I suppose we were ripped off as we were stupid foreigners...
Posted: 16 Jul 2007, 04:15
by Clive
No, I'm a British guy living here in Sweden !
Nowadays when I go back to England I cringe when I see carpets in bathrooms

I couldn't afford to live or rent in England these days, I pay less then half the rent I used to when I lived in England.