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Posted: 27 Sep 2008, 06:51
by udo
Ubuntu 8.04 and Rythmbox works fine but still not success with XP and Itunes.
Posted: 29 Sep 2008, 06:36
by Ton
having the same problems
I am running Itunes ( 8... newest on OSX 10.5.5 ) an are experiencing the same timeout problem. Tested it with vlc, which works without timeouts, but is skipping lot of the songs, do also not perfect. To be sure it is no load problem, just about 200 songs are served.
Some progress made in this issue ?
Is it planned to upgrade to a newer version of firefly in the near future ?
Don't really want to be forced to downgrade my Itunes.....
Posted: 29 Sep 2008, 06:48
by carl
Ton wrote:having the same problems
I am running Itunes ( 8... newest on OSX 10.5.5 ) an are experiencing the same timeout problem. Tested it with vlc, which works without timeouts, but is skipping lot of the songs, do also not perfect. To be sure it is no load problem, just about 200 songs are served.
Some progress made in this issue ?
Is it planned to upgrade to a newer version of firefly in the near future ?
Don't really want to be forced to downgrade my Itunes.....
We will update firefly when there is a version to update against

Posted: 01 Oct 2008, 09:06
by gilesdring
I have the same issue with iTunes 8.0 (35) on Mac OS X 10.5, and my Pinnacle Soundbridge (M1000 - 3.0.51).
I've just upgraded to a Bubba 2 from an OpenLink Linkstation, on which I was running svn-1586, which works OK with the relevant config. I seem to recall trying to go to svn-1686 (or perhaps 1685) on the Linkstation, and having this problem, so I rolled back to 1586.
Posted: 10 Oct 2008, 17:28
by squadra
After the first buffering message in 17-30 seconds it went fine for the rest of the song, as soon as next song came the buffering message reocurred.
I only placed 22 songs for demo.
deamon log shows now:
Oct 12 14:02:07 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Rescanning database
Oct 12 14:02:07 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Starting playlist scan
Oct 12 14:02:07 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Updating playlists
Oct 12 14:02:07 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Scanned 22 songs (was 22) in 0 seconds
Oct 12 14:15:33 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Write error: Connection timed out
Oct 12 14:20:00 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Write error: Connection reset by peer
Oct 12 14:20:34 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Write error: Connection reset by peer
Oct 12 14:21:10 bubba last message repeated 5 times
Oct 12 14:31:56 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Write error: Connection reset by peer
Oct 12 14:32:32 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Write error: Connection reset by peer
Oct 12 14:35:02 bubba mt-daapd[2504]: Write error: Connection reset by peer
Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 09:21
by Eek
Are you still experiencing this problem?
as i also have hickups when playing music from mediatomb or firefly.
Posted: 23 Oct 2008, 16:53
by squadra
Yes, macbook air is always rebuffering and stops so i don't listen on that anymore .. problem is that this apple gets the highest LAN transfer rates. I guess it is not even imaginable it has to rebuffer, something must be the case. My other notebooks work correctly, pc also.
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 10:38
by dan13l
Same problem here too. I get about 60 seconds of a track then iTunes says it's rebuffering. Both my Windows PC and my MacBook pro do the same thing.
Posted: 06 Nov 2008, 15:15
by bervan
yes, using osx10.5.5 and different itunes versions allways ending up in rebuffering after 20 -40 seconds.
Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 05:09
by pa
Sorry that this issue have taken so long to resolve, but the rebuffering problem with itunes is most likely related to the silicon bug mentioned earlier on this forum regarding hardware calculations of tcp checksums.
Run, as root:
Code: Select all
/usr/sbin/ethtool -K eth1 rx off tx off
To make this fix permanent, edit the file "/etc/init.d/disable-offload" and add the above line below the existing one with "eth0".
Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 06:07
by bervan
Yep, itunes works fine now.
Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 07:15
by squadra
PA was this bug not corrected in the update then? In my topic update Carl tells something about another release candidate but i downloaded from the url given at your corporate site.
Posted: 12 Nov 2008, 08:24
by pa
There are no updates for firefly, and this issue does not seem to be with firefly.
The proposed update has not yet made it into any "official" updates from Excito.
Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 17:57
by dan13l
Certainly looks like this has fixed things for me too. Excellent work.
I don't think I've quite got the silicon fix applying on a reboot yet, so I need to work on that, but so far I've managed to stream a whole album's worth of music through iTunes. Dramatically better than the previous 25 seconds...
Edit: Damn! While the rebuffering problem has now been fixed, I'm finding that I have to restart the mt-daapd service after each "session" in iTunes. Otherwise it's just not visible the next time I try to stream audio. Any ideas?