What is the cleanest way of disabling mysql in Bubba|two?
It uses a lot of memory and I am currently not using it.
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disable mysql
Re: disable mysql
Hi aardric,
If you really don't use it. Ie has stopped all servers using it and do not use the web-album. You can log in via a shell into bubba. Become root and run: to restore it if you change your mind
If you really don't use it. Ie has stopped all servers using it and do not use the web-album. You can log in via a shell into bubba. Become root and run:
Code: Select all
/etc/init.d/mysql stop
update-rc.d -f mysql remove
Code: Select all
update-rc.d mysql defaults
/etc/init.d/mysql start
Co-founder OpenProducts and Ex Excito Developer
Re: disable mysql
Your suggestion was exactly what I needed. Thank You.
Your suggestion was exactly what I needed. Thank You.