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External temperature sensors?

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External temperature sensors?

Post by whilbone »

Anybody using the bubba for measuring temperature, humidity etc and is willing to share their experiences when it comes to hardware selection etc?
Posts: 5
Joined: 27 Apr 2009, 10:43

Re: External temperature sensors?

Post by AArdo »

whilbone wrote:Anybody using the bubba for measuring temperature, humidity etc and is willing to share their experiences when it comes to hardware selection etc?
I have an AVR development board (Olimex have several see where
I've connected among other things, 5 temperature sensors,
3 DS18S20 (1-wire temp sensor
1 SHT11 (2-wire temp/hudmidity sensor ... _sht11.htm)
1 old LM335 (

All sensors are read by the AVR which communicates via a serial line to my Bubba-2. The Bubba have
a serial - USB adapter to get the data.
1-wire are very easy to use and fairly cheap, SHT11 is more expensive but also measures hudmidity.

Data is read every 5 min and used to generate graphs like the attached.
temp-week.png (54.09 KiB) Viewed 8365 times
If you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer ...
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Location: Lund, Sweden

Re: External temperature sensors?

Post by sgadd »

I use the weather station WP1400 from Proove. It has a tuch screen with bad contrast and is pretty big and uggly. But I just wanted to put weather data on a homepage and thougt 600SEK was an ok price.
It can measure:
indoor temp
indoor humidity
outdoor temp
outdoor humidity
air pressure
wind (speed /direction)
a radiocontrolled clock
and communicates over USB.

I thought this would be a nice thing to connect to my bubba. Unfortunatley it only has a windows program included. And I have not found a correct descrition of the protocol it uses.

Currently I can only get the temperatures, humidity and airpressure readings from it. I have not tried the wind values but the rain measurements i get is very strange. The rain measurements i get has less precision than the windows program. I guess I should read it in an other way.

I use Usb weatherstaion reader from
and puts the reading into a MySQL database an then prints the results using PHP.

I recomend that you find a weather station that has a known/open interface/protocol and where someone has written matching SW for Linux.

Just ask if you have questions.
Posts: 57
Joined: 25 Aug 2007, 11:56

Re: External temperature sensors?

Post by mountaindude »

I've started to build a sensor network with a Bubba (1st gen) as the centre point.
So far 6-7 temperature and humidity sensors attached, a few more planned.
Right now I am using the thermd software (written in Perl). Not super fast on the bubba... but it works. Storing the information in a mysql server running on a bubba2.

Also planning to attach counters interfaced to a few electricity meters, in order to measure actual power used for the electrical heaters we have throughout the house, as well as the power used by the water heater and a future air-to-air heat pump.
The final network will look something like this:
SP53 1-wire network.jpg
SP53 1-wire network.jpg (55.81 KiB) Viewed 8290 times
The idea is to get actual readings on temperature and energy consumption, as it seems hard to be energy efficient when you don't know how much various parts of your house is using..

I've documented the process at, will keep adding experiences there going forward.
You can have a look at the graphs produced by the system at
That page isn't even close to being finished, but is more of a proof of concept.

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