There are some python scripts on the net that may be able to sort out the RSS torrent feed part. With the torrent client able to start a download from a torrent put in the torrents directory the download part is not a problem. I would however like the bubba to place the downloaded TV-shows in the proper folders and also stop seeding them after a while. This is where my problem comes in.
1. As I understand it the torrent client does not stop seeding unless I use the cancel function in the web interface. I would like to not have to do this manually. rTorrent uses a function that only downloads torrents that are located in its watch directory. It stops downloading any torrent that are removed from that directory. This function would enable me to write a script that deletes the relevant torrent from the directory, effectly stopping the seeding.
With this function I could make a homemade, not very pretty, but functional script to handle the RSS downloads automatically. Hence number one on my list.
2. The second thing I would like to ask for is to have the torrent client automatically stop seeding once it reaches a certain quota. This would make the above script even easier to write.
3. The third thing on my list would be the option to put finished downloads in another directory than the unfinished ones.
4. The last thing I would like to ask for is the biggest. It would be nice if the torrent client had in-built support for RSS downloading. Now I know there is a post about this from about a year ago with questions about what functionality one would want with that so I would like to have some opinion about that.
- Name filtering
- filter for season and episode so that I can start downloading from a specified episode and don't need to get all the ones before that.
- filter for filesize so I can sort out the qualities I don't need.
- ability to set the time for the check so I can make the torrents start in the middle of the night when I'm not using my internet connection much.
Sorry for the extensive post. If I have missed any of this functionality in the current version of the torrent client please tell em as I would be more than happy to use it

Also, thanks for a great product