This intermediate feature seems to be a common problem to most users. I guess I need to figure out a better description of what the different parts are and what they do.
Anyway, the webserver on your bubba have probably not been set up to use that directory. I suggest you use the public_html directory in your home folder (that would be something like
\\bubba\username\public_html), and the URI part would then be
http://bubba/~username/. Replace
username with what ever name you use to log on to your bubba. In my case I would use:
Intermediate as directory: \\bubba\johan\public_html
Intermediate as URI:
As for "the local webserver", that would actually be any webserver that doesn't require authorization (your bubba is a perfect candidate). And you need to be able to store the file (.torrent) in a folder that is reachable both as a file:// path and a http:// path (the public_html folder is perfect for this).
I am probably not the best person to describe this feature, as I don't use it my self (the idea and code is a contribution from Martin Arvidsson), but here's a new attempt at an explanation (in case you're reading this Martin, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
The whole idea behind the intermediate mode is to move the torrent file from a web server that requires authorization, to a web server that doesn't. The reason is that the FileTransferDaemon (FTD) doesn't support this authorization, but firefox does. So what the plugin will do is to instruct Firefox to download a copy of the torrent file (firefox will take care of the authorization) to a new webserver (this is the intermediate part, the torrent file will make "an intermediate landing" at the new web server). We then trigger an immediate download from this new "local webserver", that doesn't require any authorization. The FTD can now get the torrent file without having to do any authorization, and the file transfer will start.