I am currenlt using Bubba amd woth help of EEK we manged to get it work and i an setting it up.
I ahev done the virtual host on and opend 8083and manual forwarded ti bubba so, same thing with ftp and that.
Thw issue is i tried a to put a redirect script on my website si they visit the website and they are redirected to Bubba at home.
this is the scirpt i am using so i wounde if somwe of you oculd try to visit it if you get the same arror that the server is down and they can´t acces it, plz try agian later on, or it i have a seting wrong on bubba, since my firewall has the ports already forwarded to bubba, and the logs shows nothing wierd beside the usual things.
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me redirect does not work.
I would use
I don't know what your bubba is doing, but i get time-out on the website
I would use
Code: Select all
<frameset >
<frame src="">
the funny thing it worked when we set the site up, and i have not changed the firewall since then but y can acces it form the inside, but not form the outside.
i think it´s a firewall issue or my isp has blocked the port., i oculd reinstall
either way i was planning of using a alternative way, like mydns thing or a proxy thing that can bypass my isp´s security somehow so i can get it out to the world somehow.
still i will reintal my entire firewall to factory settings and strart from scratch there.
hope fullt that will solve it.
i think it´s a firewall issue or my isp has blocked the port., i oculd reinstall
either way i was planning of using a alternative way, like mydns thing or a proxy thing that can bypass my isp´s security somehow so i can get it out to the world somehow.
still i will reintal my entire firewall to factory settings and strart from scratch there.
hope fullt that will solve it.