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I will delete php-fusion and mysql and start over again.
how do I delete msql is it just to press del button on msql maps or what?
and now over to a diffrent question Eek are you from sweden? and if you are could we talk over msn another day to fix this mess up, should go mutch quiker then.
Rawhead wrote:Ok now I have a new problem
I got this blank screen after I have write in localhost user and password
then I hit the button I got this blank screen
Got same problems as you m8 how did you solved it ?
Thanks to Rodrigo,
I managed to straighten out some bugs in the how-to
and for him to get a php-fusion website up and running
The first posting has been updated with the necessary changes.
A main omission was, that i forgot to mention that the Apache web server needs to be restarted after the apt-get installs.