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some question from a future bubba server owner.

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Joined: 16 Feb 2008, 10:28

some question from a future bubba server owner.

Post by rodrigo »

are you faster to deliver then, is it better for me to order from you or from that online store, how fast can you deliver since says they get restocked on the 22/2, can you deliver by the end of the week with a 320 gb hardrive.

2:i want to run a photo gallery like coopermine
Does it work good bubba server after i have installed the necesary stuff like php is already has, mysql that needs to be installed that does not seems so hard even for linux noobie like me.

3:i want to run a private dc hubb on hubba server can i do that?

4:and since you already have most of the things i want already want e-mail, ftp and http server on one small package it will be perfect for my use at home.

Thanks in advanced, rodrigo, sweden.
Posts: 703
Joined: 06 Dec 2006, 12:24

Post by tor »

Hi rodrigo,

Sorry for the late reply.

Regarding delivery. Since its now the 22/2 today. I would say that they should be as fast as us since they should be restocked.

Coppermine will unfortunately most likely run a bit slow on Bubba. This since it uses ImageMagick for image manipulation. And we know that ImageMagick runs slow on Bubba.

Regarding DC hubs. This is something we have not tested ourselfs. But there are at least two of them that looks like they could run on Bubba.
Open DC Hub and verlihub. If anyone has tested anything like this it could be interesting to know the outcome.

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