I have a problem with torrent downloads on my Bubba.
This problem occur whether I use the web-GUI to add a link, or if I copy the torrent file into my torrent folder. I'm using the latest firmware (0.51.2).
Ok, here's my problem:
If I add a new download via the web-GUI, the entire GUI freezes after a few seconds. With the earlier firmwares the download was put in the download-list and I could see that everything worked. But nowadays I can't even click on any links. When I try to view the filemanager my browser just sits there, waiting for a reply. I usually close the browser after this.
If I wait about 20 minutes and then open a new browser, I'm able to log on to Bubba. But if I press the "View downloads"-link, the whole procedure repeats itself...
If I restart Bubba, or just FTD, everything seems to work at first. My downloads are showing ("Checking existing...") but after a while it freezes again...
Any ideas of what may be wrong?
In another post I read something about checking the /var/log/daemon.log:
Code: Select all
Jan 7 06:26:22 bubba modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory
Jan 8 06:25:45 bubba modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory
Jan 8 06:25:46 bubba modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory
Jan 9 06:25:43 bubba modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory
Jan 9 06:25:43 bubba modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/ No such file or directory
I think my downloads are still in progress (or something) because the WAN-LED on my router is constantly blinking, and the free disk space on Bubba is slowly decreasing. But I never see the target files in my download folder...
Best regards,