I've just released version 1.18 of the Bubbagen live-USB image for B3 on GitHub.

What is new?
Well, nothing really. And at the same time everything. Shortly after the 1.17 release in which I took a partial advance on Profile 23 to allow easier conversion between OpenRC and Systemd init systems, the Gentoo devs marked Profile 23 stable and at the same time added rules to the older Profile 17 that denied the use of the merged usr filesystem. To overcome this issue I've decided to fully adopt Profile 23 at an early stage, which should guarantee support for this operating system for years to come.
All packages have been brought up to date as of April 21, 2024.
Privacy notification
Logitech Media Server has now officially become open source and is in the process of being renamed Lyrion Music Server with all references to former owner Logitech removed. Part of the transition involves the leading devs having set up an analytics service to gather (anonymous) information what would need to be kept and consequently what may be dropped as nobody uses it. Since the main project doesn't actually support Gentoo at all this doesn't really apply to us but the Report Analytics Data plugin will still be activated by default. Should you object to any information about your LMS setup to be shared you can disable this plugin in the server settings.
Existing users
This is a chain breaking release. Your system will NOT automatically upgrade to this state. If you like to upgrade to Profile 23 yourself please follow the instructions from the Gentoo news channel (execute `eselect news read`). Note that this involves a complete rebuild of your system which will take a considerable amount of time.
Key features:
- Kernel version 6.6.13
- Familiar GUI for basic management (users, network, firewall, predefined services)
- Logitech Media Server version 8.5.1
- Wireguard VPN prepared (works with e.g. an Android phone)
- The Onion Router (TOR), get access to sites that are blocked by some geographic location rule
- Out of the box Windows and Mac compatible file sharing service (NAS)
- Will connect to any existing network (with a DHCP server) or create one itself (when connecting you will receive an IP in the range 192.168.10.x)
Known issues:
- When changing the time zone the web interface may show you an incorrect time on some pages (the extensible clock on the right is actually javascript and thus should show your client's time rather than the B3's). To align them all you should restart the B3 (or at least apache2 and bubba-adminphp services).
- Changing the network profile may completely destroy networking on the B3 if you have wifi enabled or added custom interfaces and/or bridges. If you need to change the profile please do so before making any changes to the default network setup and then never touch it again.
- When switching to systemd you will no longer be able to view system messages through the web based GUI. The associated links are hardcoded to show the OpenRC messages file. Messages from services that write their own log files, e.g. Apache webserver, Samba (windows compatible) file sharing, Logitech Media Server, can be viewed as normal.
Further information and details may be found here
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