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Gentoo Live-USB for B3 (Systemd, Profile 23)

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Gentoo Live-USB for B3 (Systemd, Profile 23)

Post by Gordon »


While it has proven to be impossible to maintain a full working Live-USB for the Bubbagen system using systemd init ¹) the switch to Gentoo's Profile 23 seemed to important to let pass and so together with me publishing Bubbagen version 1.18 I have added a "vanilla" Gentoo on B3 Systemd edition featuring nothing other than the base OS with Samba file sharing.

The image contains updated ebuilds for (some of) the old Sakaki tools and is subscribed to the 'bubba' overlay which provides kernel updates.

You can download the image here

Reference the Bubbagen topic for instructions how to run the Live-USB and optionally install it to the B3 hard drive.

¹) Systemd does not support automatic network adaption to either being in a predefined network or needing to create its own.
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