I've just released version 1.15 of the Bubbagen live-USB image for B3 on GitHub.

There are no substantial differences with the previous version, however the Gentoo devs have decided to drop support for their package manager `EAPI` version 5 and this will cause you to be unable to get your system up to date if you ever need to revert to the Live USB.
The Live USB runs Linux kernel 5.15.41 and packages have been brought up to date as of Aug 21, 2022 ¹)
As before, two versions are supplied, one that uses the `classic` OpenRC service manager and one that uses the `modern` systemd service manager. Which version you choose is a matter of taste. People that run Linux desktop systems will likely prefer the systemd version for uniformity in their network but personally I find the command line tools for managing networking pretty complex/restricting whereas in the OpenRC version adding network functionality such as PPPoE connections and VPN is really easy.
If you don't know / can't decide, choose version 1.15.0 (OpenRC)
Existing users:
Your system will automatically switch to this version when you run the regular update routine (eix, emerge, or sakaki's genup).
Known issues:
- When changing the time zone the web interface may show you an incorrect time on some pages (the extensible clock on the right is actually javascript and thus should show your client's time rather than the B3's). To align them all you should restart the B3 (or at least apache2 and bubba-adminphp services).
- Changing the network profile may completely destroy networking on the B3 if you have wifi enabled or added custom interfaces and/or bridges. If you need to change the profile please do so before making any changes to the default network setup and then never touch it again.
- Systemd has been observed to randomly experience a conflict with the DHCP client, causing it to drop the affected interface completely. A reboot will be required if you have no other method of reaching the B3 (second interface with fixed IP, serial console).
- Systemd version does not allow you to view system messages through the web based GUI. The associated links will always show an empty file. Messages from services that write their own log files, e.g. Apache webserver, Samba (windows compatible) file sharing, Logitech Media Server, can be viewed as normal.
¹) Some packages withheld due to patent restrictions or because the newer versions are incompatible with core Bubba functionality.