Hi there,
just unboxed a brand new Bubba 2. Tried immediately to set up a 4TB HDD after applying the bootloader update from Bubba 3: http://wiki.excito.com/w/index.php?titl ... _3TB_disks Unfortunately, this does not work, so I used a 1TB HDD to install.
Created a USB-stick with image-2.4.1, which successfully installed to the hard drive. I could unplug the hard drive and check the install, which looks fine. Partitioning is as expected (10 GB on /, 990 GB LVM on /home, 1,1 GB swap), added my SSH keys to .ssh/authorized_keys and placed it back into the Bubba which boots, until the blue LED is lit up continuously. Anyway, I can't access any network on the Bubba. Tried to set a fix IP in /etc/network/interfaces but to no avail, so I reversed it to DHCP. After booting, the network PHY seems to connect (LED on network card is lit), but I cannot find the IP of Bubba. No lease taken from the local DHCP server and no result from Angry IP scanner over on the LAN interface. Somehow I am lost.
Can someone open my eyes?
Best regards, Goodgirl
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Bubba 2: Network inactive
Re: Bubba 2: Network inactive
Hi there,
I downloaded a Debian 8.2 image from this place http://s429147034.onlinehome.fr/install ... essie-1.0/ and it installed to the attached harddrive. The WAN IF connected to the DHCP server received an address and the PHY presented itself as 00:22:02:00:01:9C from vendor Excito Elektronik i Skåne
So far so good. I could not connect via SSH, though, no passwords. I mounted the drive to another machine and placed my SSH key on the drive and fired the bubba up again. I could then connect to the bubba for the first time. Kernel 3.18.24-1, all modules loaded from within the kernel. I edited the /etc/network/interfaces for the interface eth1 to have a static IP. Booted again and could connect once to the LAN IF and log in via SSH. After I logged of and tried to log on again, I got a connection timeout: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused. Looked like the SSHD had died. I tried to reboot, but the physical connection could not be established anymore, the LAN port's LED stayed dark. No idea why this happened. The only way to connect again was to switch back to dhcp (externally) for both interfaces and use the WAN port. What I realize is that the second MPC83xx chip (eth1) seems to be dead.
Unfortunately the image comes with few packages only and the sources list is outdated. I will have to find a package server for the PPC packages. And maybe there is a bootloader for the bigger drives…
Thanks anyone for having read the post and think about a solution.
I downloaded a Debian 8.2 image from this place http://s429147034.onlinehome.fr/install ... essie-1.0/ and it installed to the attached harddrive. The WAN IF connected to the DHCP server received an address and the PHY presented itself as 00:22:02:00:01:9C from vendor Excito Elektronik i Skåne

Unfortunately the image comes with few packages only and the sources list is outdated. I will have to find a package server for the PPC packages. And maybe there is a bootloader for the bigger drives…
Thanks anyone for having read the post and think about a solution.
bubba two, unboxed 2019