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Booting b3 without battery or working CMOS clock

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Joined: 22 Feb 2012, 04:24

Booting b3 without battery or working CMOS clock

Post by beaufils »

I needed to reboot my excito b3 two days ago. Something I did not do for a **very long** time.

It runs up-to-date Debian stretch.

That went bad: the box did not start correctly and the light stays red.

I remove the disk to check partitions mouting them on my laptop and everything seems OK.

I was able by chance (playing with the rear button sometime during the boot process) to boot and to have a look at the boot log. I find that the date and time was not correctly set at boot time until the NTP server started.

So I stopped the box and check the card. Then I find a battery leak. The exact same as in So I cleaned it and change the battery using a LR44 one.

Now I was able to boot the box but the boot time was **long** more than 2 hours. Once started I reset the clock using

Code: Select all

/etc/init.d/ stop
and reboot the box hoping everything will be fine.

Unfortunately the boot is still running (red light).

Any idea of to boot the box nicely when the battery have been changed or when the CMOS clock is out of order?
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Joined: 10 Aug 2011, 03:18

Re: Booting b3 without battery or working CMOS clock

Post by Gordon »

Must be something else. I have a box that I use for maintaining the Bubbagen OS and that hasn't had a good battery for years already. That box never fails to boot.

One other thing to note is that the led should be coloured purple during boot. Red indicates an error.
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